Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Removal
Table of Contents
- Invited Speakers
- CO2 Separation and Recovery
- Geological Storage
- Ocean Storage
- Chemical Utilization
- Biological Utilization
- Additional Topics
- Sustainable Development, Climate Change, and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)
- Wim C. Turkenburg
- United States Strategy for Mitigating Global Climate Change
- Robert L. Kane and Daniel E. Klein
- Japanese Strategy for Mitigating Global Warming
- Yoichi Kaya
- Lower CO2 Emissions Through Better Technology
- Gernot Gessinger
- Technology Responses to Global Climate Change Concerns: The Benefits from International Collaboration
- John Tilley
- Research and Development Issues in CO2 Capture
- Axel Meisen and Xiaoshan Shuai
- CO2 Abatement Investigations Under the Framework Programme of the RTD Policy of the EU, in Particular Under the Joule II- Programme
- R. Pruschek
- Development Requirements for Absorption Processes for Effective CO2 Capture from Power Plants
- Colin L. Leci
- CO2 Capture Processes - Opportunities for Improved Energy Efficiencies
- Amit Chakma
- Development of Energy Saving Technology for Flue Gas Carbon Dioxide Recovery in Power Plant by Chemical Absorption Method and Steam System
- Tomio Mimura, Hidenobu Simayoshi, Taiichiro Suda, Masaki Iijima, and Sigeaki Mituoka
- Evaluation Test Results of 1000 m3 N/h Pilot Plant for CO2 Absorption Using an Amine-Based Solution
- Norio Arashi, Naoki Oda, Mutsuo Yamada, Hiromitsu Ota, Satoshi Umeda, and Motoaki Tajika
- The Enhancement of the Rate of Absorption of CO2 in Amine Solutions Due to the Marangoni Effect
- J. Buzek, J. Podkanski, and K. Warmuzinski
- Mass Transfer Studies of High Performance Structured Packing for CO2 Separation Processes
- Adisorn Aroonwilas and Paitoon Tontiwachwuthikul
- Separation of Carbon Dioxide From Offshore Gas Turbine Exhaust
- Olav Falk-Pedersen and Henrik Dannstrom
- Implementatons of Advisory System for the Solvent Selection of Carbon Dioxide Removal Processes
- Christine Chan and Patrick Lau
- The Production of Carbon Dioxide from Flue Gas by Membrane Gas Absorption
- P. H. M. Feron and A.E. Jansen
- A Novel Carbon Fiber Based Material and Separation Technology for the Removal of Carbon Dioxide
- Timothy D. Burchell and Roddie R. Judkins
- Role of Activated Carbon Pellets in Carbon Dioxide Removal
- S.C. Sarkar and A. Bose
- Development of Hollow Fiber Membranes for CO2 Separation
- Y. Tokuda, E. Fujisawa, N. Okabayashi, N. Matsumiya, K. Takagi, H. Mano, K. Haraya, and M. Sato
- Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion and Gasification of Coal Using Flue Gas Recirculation and Oxygen Injection
- J. Andries, J.G.M. Becht, and P.D.J. Hoppesteyn
- Trial Design for a CO2 Recovery Power Plant by Burning Pulverized Coal in O2/CO2
- M. Okawa, N. Kimura, T.Kiga, S. Takano, K. Arai, and M. Kato
- Characteristics of Pulverized-Coal Combusion in the System of Oxygen / Recycled Flue Gas Combustion
- T.Kiga, S. Takano, N. Kimura, K. Omata, M. Okawa, T. Mori, and M. Kato
- Integrating O2 Production with Power Systems to Capture CO2
- B. J. Jody, E.J. Daniels, and A.M. Wolsky
- Highly Efficient Zero Emission CO2-Based Power Plant
- E. Iantovski and Ph. Mathieu
- Combining Cryogenic Flue Gas Emission Remediation with a CO2/O2 Combustion Cycle
- Z. Meratla
- The Role of IGCC in CO2 Abatement
- R. Pruschek, G. Oejeklaus, G. Haupt, G. Zimmermann, D. Jansen, and J.S.Ribberink
- Water Gas Shift Membrane Reactor for CO2 Control in IGCC Systems: Techno-Economic Feasibility Study
- M. Bracht, P.T. Alderliesten, R. Kloster, R. Pruschek, G. Haupt, E. Xue, J.R.H. Ross, M.K. Koukou, and N. Papayannakos
- Natural Gas Utilization Without CO2 Emissions
- Bjorn Gaudernack and Steinar Lynum
- Comparison of CO2 Removal Systems for Fossil-Fueled Power Plant Processes
- G. Gottlicher and R. Pruschek
- Thermodynamic and Environmental Assessment of Integrated Gasification and Methanol Synthesis (IGMS) Energy Systems with CO2 Removal
- Giorgio Cau, Roberto Carapellucci, and Daniele Cocco
- CO2 Recovery in a Power Plant with Chemical Looping Combustion
- M. Ishida and H. Jin
- An Overview of the Underground Disposal of Carbon Dioxide
- Sam Holloway
- Progress Toward Storage of Carbon Dioxide
- P. Freund and W.G. Ormerod
- Acid Gas Re-Injection - A Practical Way to Eliminate CO2 Emissions from
Gas Processing Plants
- Amit Chakma
- Disposal of Power Plant CO2 in Depleted Oil and Gas Reservoirs in Texas
- Perry D. Bergman, Edward M. Winter, and Zhong-Ying Chen
- Deep Coalbed Methane in Alberta, Canada: A Fuel Resource with the Potential of Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- W.D. Gunter, T. Gentzis, B.A. Rottenfusser, and R.J.H. Richardson
- Simultaneous Production of Electricity, Steam, and CO2 from Small Gas-Fired Cogeneration Plants for Enhanced Oil Recovery
- David deMontigny, Weerapong Kritpiphat, Don Gelowitz, and Paitoon Tontiwachwuthikul
- Vertical Convection in an Aquifer Column Under a Gas Cap of CO2
- Erik Lindeberg and Dag Wessel-Berg
- Escape of CO2 from Aquifers
- Erik Lindeberg
- Safety of the Underground Disposal of Carbon Dioxide
- Sam Holloway
- Gas Power with CO2 Deposition Located on Abandoned Platforms
- Torleif Holt and Erik Lindeberg
- Deep Sub-Seabed Disposal of CO2 - The Most Protective Storage
- H. Koide, Y. Shindo, Y. Tazaki, M. Iijima, K. Ito, N. Kimura, and K. Omata
- Progress on Binding CO2 in Mineral Substrates
- Klaus S. Lackner, Darryl P. Butt, and Christopher H. Wendt
- Ocean Systems for Managing the Global Carbon Cycle
- Dwain F. Spencer and Wheeler J. North
- Cost Comparison in Various CO2 Ocean Disposal Options
- Yuichi Fujioka, Masahiko Ozaki, Kazuhisa Takeuchi, Yuji Shindo, and Howard J. Herzog
- Transport Systems for Ocean Disposal of CO2 and Their Environmental Effects
- Dan Golomb
- Marine Carbonate Formations: Their Role in Mediating Long-Term Ocean-Atmosphere Carbon Dioxide Fluxes - A Review
- C. N. Murray and T.R.S. Wilson
- Testing the Waters: An Analytical Framework for Testing the Political Feasibility of Scenario-Based Proposals for Disposing of CO2 in the Oceans
- Judith Kildow
- CO2 Clathrate-Hydrate Formation And Its Mechanism by Molecular Dynamics Simulation
- S. Hirai, K. Okazaki, Y. Tabe, and K. Kawamura
- Dissolution Mechanisms of CO2 Molecules in Water Containing CO2 Hydrates
- T. Uchida, A. Takagi, S. Mae, and J. Kawabata
- Numerical Simulation for Dissolution of Liquid CO2 Droplets Covered with Clathrate Film in Intermediate Depth of Ocean
- S. Hirai, K. Okazaki, Y. Tabe, and K. Hijikata
- Dispersion of CO2 Droplets in the Deep Ocean
- H. Teng, S. M. Masutani, and C.M. Kinoshita
- Influence of Disposal Depth on the Size of CO2 Droplets Produced from a Circular Orifice
- H. Teng, A. Yamasaki, and Y. Shindo
- LES Study of CO2 Enriched Gravity Currents
- Guttorm Alendal
- Impacts of High Concentration of CO2 on Marine Organisms; a Modification of CO2 Ocean Sequestration
- K. Takeuchi, Y. Fujioka, Y. Kawasaki, and Y. Shirayama
- Near Field Impacts of Reduced pH from Ocean CO2 Disposal
- Jennifer A.Caulfield, David I. Auerbach, E. Eric Adams, and Howard J. Herzog
- Far-Field Impacts Associated with Ocean Disposal of CO2
- Richard K. Dewey, Gilbert R. Stegen, and Robert Bacastow
- Dispersion of CO2 Injected into the Ocean at the Intermediate Depth
- Norikazu Nakashiki and Takashi Ohsumi
- LES Study of Flow Around a CO2-Droplet Plume in the Ocean
- F. Thorkildsen and G. Alendal
- Photosynthetic Greenhouse Gas Mitigation by Ocean Nourishment
- Ian S. F. Jones and D. Otaegui
- Carbon Dioxide Utilisation in the Chemical Industry
- M. Aresta and I. Tommasi
- CO2 Removal and Fixation Solar High Temperature Syngas Generation for Fuel Synthesis
- T. Weimer, M. Specht, A. Bandi, K. Schaber, and C.U. Maier
- Highly Effective Gasoline Synthesis from Carbon Dioxide
- T. Inui, H. Hara, T. Takeguchi, K. Inchino, J.B. Kim, S. Iwamoto, and S.B. Pu
- Separate Production of Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide by Carbon Dioxide Reforming Reaction of Methane
- Osamu Takayasu, Fumihisa Sato, Kyoko Ota, Takamasa Hitomi, Takafumi Miyazaki, Tsutomu Osawa, and Ikuya Matsuura
- Catalytic Conversion of Carbon Dioxide into Hydrocarbons over Zinc Promoted Iron Catalysts
- Sang-Sung Nam, Soo-Jae Lee, Ho Kim, Ki-Won Jun, Myuong-Jae Choi, and Kyu-Wan Lee
- Methanol Synthesis from CO2 and H2 over a Cu/ZnO-Based Multicomponent Catalyst
- Masahiro Saito, Masami Takeuchi, Taiki Watanabe, Jamil Toyir, Stengcheng Luo, and Jingang Wu
- An Assessment Procedure for Chemical Utilisation Schemes Intended to Reduce CO2 Emissions to Atmosphere
- H. Audus and H. Oonk
- Greenhouse Gas Chemistry
- A. Bill, A. Wokaun, B. Eliasson, E. Killer, and U. Kogelschatz
- Methanol as an Agent for CO2 Mitigation
- M. Steinberg
- Hydrogen and Electricity from Decarbonised Fossil Fuels
- Olav Kaarstad and Harry Audus
- Liquid Phase Methanol Synthesis Catalyst
- H. Mabuse, K. Hagihara, T. Watanabe, and M. Saito
- Carbon Recycling System Through Methanation of CO2 in Flue Gas in LNG Power Plant
- T. Yoshida, M. Tsuji, Y. Tamaura, T. Hurue, T. Hayashida, K. Ogawa
- Catalytic Conversion of Carbon Dioxide Using Phase Transfer Catalysts
- D.W. Park, J.Y. Moon, J.G. Yang, and J.K. Lee
- Technology Assessment of Alternative Fuels by CO2 Fixation Use in Passenger Cars
- Seiji Matsumoto and Yukio Yanagisawa
- Absorption and Fixation of Carbon Dioxide by Rock Weathering
- T. Kojima, A. Nagamine, N. Ueno, and S. Uemiya
- Biological Fossil CO2 Mitigation
- Evan Hughes and John R. Benemann
- CO2 Mitigation with Microalgae Systems
- John R. Benemann
- A New Marine Microalga Cultivation in a Tubular Bioreactor and its Utilization as an Additive for Paper Surface Improvements
- K. Hon-Nami, A. Hirano, S. Kunito, Y. Tsuyuki, T. Kinoshita, and Y. Ogushi
- The Biological CO2 Fixation and Utilization Project by RITE (1) - Highly-effective Photobioreactor System
- Naoto Usui and Masahiro Ikenouchi
- The Biological CO2 Fixation and Utilization Project by RITE (2) - Screening and Breeding of Microalgae with High Capability in Fixing CO2
- Masakazu Murakami and Masahiro Ikenouchi
- Development of a Photobioreactor Incorporating Chorella sp. for Removal of CO2 in Stack Gas
- Yoshitomo Watanabe and Hiroshi Saiki
- Power Plant Flue Gas as a Source of CO2 for Microalgae Cultivation: Economic Impact of Different Process Options
- Kiran L. Kadam
- Optimization of the Fertilization by Nutrients of the Ocean, Taking Fixation by Phytoplankton Into Account
- Kunio Horiuchi, Toshinori Kojima and Atsushi Inaba
- Calcium Chloride as a Biomimetic Intermediate for the Mineralization of Carbonate Ions of Water as Calcium Carbonate in Gelatinous Matrices of Chitosan and Chitin
- Shigehiro Hirano, Koichi Yamamoto, and Hiroshi Inui
- Cyanobacterial Bioconversion of Carbon Dioxide for Fuel Productions
- Kazuhisa Ohtaguchi, Susumu Kajiwara, Dani Mustaqim and Nahoko Takahashi
- Design of the Bioreactor for Carbon Dioxide Fixation by Synechococcus PCC7942
- Susumu Kajiwara, Hidenao Yamada, Narumasa Ohkuni and Kazuhisa Ohtaguchi
- Stably Sustained Hydrogen Production by Biophotolysis in Natural Day/Night Cycle
- Yoshiharu Miura, Toru Akano, Kiyomi Fukatsu, Hitoshi Miyasaka, Tadashi Mizoguchi, Kiyohito Yagi, Isamu Maeda, Yoshiaki Ikuta, and Hiroyo Matsumoto
- The Synthesis of Alternatives for the Bioconversion of Waste- Monoethanolamine from Large-Scale CO2-Removal Processes
- Kazuhisa Ohtaguchi and Takahisa Yokoyama
- Biomass Development and Waste Wood Co-Firing
- Wallace Benjamin
- The Shawville Coal/Biomass Cofiring Test: A Coal/Power Industry Cooperative Test of Direct Fossil-Fuel CO2 Mitigation
- Earl F. Hunt, David E. Prinzing, Joseph J. Battista, and Evan Hughes
- Potential of Cofiring with Biomass in Italy
- M. Aresta, I. Tommasi and M. Galatola
- Utility Forest Carbon Management Program/UtiliTree Carbon Company
- John Kinsman, Gary Kaster, Eric Kuhn, and Ron McIntyre
- Potential Land Area for Reforestation and Carbon Dioxide Mitigation Effect through Biomass Energy Conversion
- Shin-Ya Yokoyama
- Oxygen-Blown Gasification Combined Cycle: Carbon Dioxide Recovery, Transport, and Disposal
- R.D. Doctor, J.C. Molburg and P.R. Thimmapuram
- The Sequestering of Carbon Dioxide, Embodied Energy and Common Targets for the Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- John H. Walsh
- Estimating the Embodied Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Material Content
- Kazuhiko Nishimura, Hiroki Hondo, and Yohji Uchiyama
- The Costs and Benefits of Mitigation: A Full-Fuel-Cycle Examination of Technologies for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emission
- H. Audus and P. Freund
- Full Fuel Cycle Emission Analysis for Electric Power Generation Options and Its Appplication in a Market-Based Economy
- Don Macdonald, John Donner, and Andrei Nikiforuk
- Study on GHG Control Scenarios by Life Cycle Analysis - World Energy Outlook Until 2100
- Keishiro Ito, Yohji Uchiyama, Yoshihide Takeshita, and Hisashi Hayashibe
- Evaluation of CO2 Payback Time of Power Plants by LCA
- Kiyotaka Tahara, Toshinori Kojima, and Atsushi Inaba
- Economic Assessment of CO2 Capture and Disposal
- R.S. Eckhaus, H.D. Jacoby, A.D. Ellerman, W-C. Leung, and Z. Yang,
- Synergies and Conflicts of Sulfur and Carbon Mitigation Strategies
- Sabine Messner
- Assessment of CO2 Removal Utilizing the Concept of Sustainability Limitations
- R. Matsuhashi and H. Ishitani
- Externality Estimation of Greenhouse Warming Impacts
- Bent Sorensen
- Japan's Cooperative Research of CO2 Mitigation with Developing Countries
- S. Kusuda, Y. Kurashige, T. Higashikawa, and I. Hayashi
- Mitigation by New Energy Systems
- K. Sakaki and K. Yamada
- CO2 Mitigation Through the Use of Hybrid Solar-Combined Cycles
- Y. Allani, D. Favrat and M.R. von Spakovsky,
- Mitigation Impact of CO2 in Developing Countries
- K. Bhavan-Na-Rayana
- CO2 Release of Main Industries in China: Situation and Options
- Ma Jiang
- Trends in Evolution of CO2 Emissions in Romania and Perspectives for Diminishing Their Environmental Impact
- L. Dragos, N. Scarlat, and C. Flueraru
- Non-CO2 Emitting Renewable Energy Sources in Nepal: Problems and Prospects
- Jagan Nath Shrestha and Toshinori Kojima