The contents of the Hypertext provided the basic molecular biology that was a foundation of
MIT's core Biology courses, "7.01x Introductory Biology" (7.012, 7.013 or 7.014).

We note with sorrow the death of Professor Ingram, the founder and developer of the Biology Hypertextbook, on August 17, 2006. The Biology Department and the entire biology community is the poorer for his passing.

This site is no longer being actively maintained; its contents have been removed. For further information, please email biocourses-wm [at]

April 30, 2007

Since the removal of the materials that formed the Biology Hypertext, we have heard from a number of users who were not only saddened by Prof. Ingram's death, but also wanted to know if it is possible to still access the materials. Because a fair amount of it was sadly out of date or incorrectly presented, and there is no one available to take over updating and maintaining the Hypertext, at this time there are no plans to re-present the materials.

However, there are a great many useful Biology resources available on the Internet, including:
MIT's OpenCourseWare (see specifically the 7.01x classes in the Biology section.)
Wikipedia on Biology (try links in the introduction such as Microbiology, Cellular Biology, and Molecular Biology)
The Online Biology Book, hosted by Estrella Mountain Community College in Arizona, and written and maintained by Michael J. Farabee, PhD.
An online search will net you many more resources, as well.

Thank you again for your interest in the Biology Hypertext.

Introduction | Chapters | Syllabus | Practice Problems | Quizzes | Search

  • Founding Editor Emeritus:
    • Shane Crotty, BS, '96 with assistance from:
    • Alo Basu, BS,'97;
    • Christina Onufryk, BS,'95.
  • Founding Technical Support: Seth Finkelstein, BS,'85.
  • Founding Support by
  • Development Team 2001:
    • Erin Daida, '03;
    • Anne Latham, '02;
    • Eillen Tecle, '04
    • Grace Tsan '03, and
    • Laura Willis G
  • Supervised by Prof. Vernon Ingram, Wilson Professor of Biology & Director emeritus, Experimental Study Group
  • Funded by:


rev 11/1/07; email biocourses-wm [at]