________________________________________________________________________ *** INSTALLATION instructions for PWgui *** ________________________________________________________________________ The PWgui package comes in two flavors: (i) STANDALONE EXECUTABLE, which runs out of the box (but works only on the platform for which it has been built) (ii) SOURCE PACKAGE N.B.: for the usage of SVN version of PWgui see file INSTALL.svn ________________________________________________________________________ (i) Installation instructions for STANDALONE EXECUTABLE ________________________________________________________________________ For zipped pwgui-xxx.zip package do: * unzip pwgui-xxx.zip whereas for tar-gzipped pwgui-xxx.tgz package do either: * tar zxvf pwgui-xxx.tgz or: * gunzip -c pwgui-xxx.tgz | tar xvf - To launch the program type either: * ./pwgui or * pwgui The standalone executable is always available for Linux platform, and occasionally also for Mac and Windows. ________________________________________________________________________ (ii) Installation instructions for SOURCE PACKAGE ________________________________________________________________________ To use the source package you need required Tcl software, in particular Tcl + Tk + Itcl + Itk + Iwidgets. PWgui requires the Tcl/Tk version 8.4 or later. You may install the software from your OS distribution. For example, for GNU/Linux Debian-based distributions, execute as root (or sudo): * apt-get update; apt-get install iwidgets4 (this will install also tcl/tk/itcl/itk, because iwidgets depend on them). On RedHat-based distributions, the analogous command is "yum". Hence: * yum install iwidgets As for the Archlinux consider the following installation instructions (due to Gonzalo Aguirre): neither itk nor iwidgets are in the official repositories, so they should be obtained from the AUR using the following recipe: * yaourt -S itk-cvs * yaourt -S iwidgets If an issue arises during the iwidgets installation, check where the itk-cvs is installed (pacman -Ql itk-cvs) and specify the directory explicitly while building the iwidgets package (e.g.: --with-itk=/usr/lib/itk3.4) Alternatively you may install ActiveTcl8.4 (which has all the required software built-in) from: http://www.activestate.com/activetcl/downloads/ BEWARE: do not install the newer 8.5 or 8.6 version of ActiveTcl, because they do not contain all the needed software. The version 8.4 is mandatory !!! Once your computer has all the needed software, your source package is ready to run. You only need to untar the PWgui source tarball, i.e.: * gunzip -c PWgui-.tgz | tar xvf - or * tar zxvf PWgui-.tgz where stands for version number. To launch the PWgui program, type: pwgui. You may add the PWgui root directory to your PATH. If you would like to copy "pwgui" launcher to some common place, such as /usr/local/bin, then you need either to define PWGUI environmental variable so that "pwgui" will be able to locate its root directory (i.e. source files) or alternatively hardcode it into pwgui lanucher itself.