Saturday, September 28, 2002Captain's Orientation Meeting
Time 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Location: Steinbrenner Stadium (Vassar Street)
Attendance at the Captain's Meeting is required for each team. The rules of the games will be reviewed and more information on scoring will be provided. It is not necessary for teams to schedule practice time prior to the events, as all games will remain a secret. After the meeting, Captains will be responsible for updating team members on schedule changes and rules of the games.
Tours of Sidney-Pacific (Optional)
Time: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Location: Sidney-Pacific Graduate Residence Hall Lobby
This year the Games are in honor of the opening of the Sidney-Pacific Graduate Residence Hall. We encourage team members to take the opportunity go inside and visit MIT's newest residence for more than 700 graduate students.
Team Registration
Time: 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Location: 2 Pacific Street Parking Lot at the corner of Pacific Street and Albany Street (opposite NW30)
All team members must personally sign-in by 1:30 PM.
(see below for parking information.)
Team Meetings
Time: 1:30 PM - 1:50 PM
Captains will update teams on the schedule and rules of the games.
Opening Ceremony
Time: 1:50 PM
Let the Games Begin!
Post-Game Barbecue and Awards Ceremony
Time 5:30 PM
During the Barbecue, Individual and Team awards will be presented on the main stage.
Other Important Information
IN CASE OF RAIN - The Games will take place on Saturday, September 28th, rain or shine. If the weather does not cooperate, Registration and the Opening Ceremony will take place as scheduled.
The games will be moved inside the Athletics Center and Rockwell Cage. Detailed information on the rain plan will follow.
ATTIRE - Each participant will receive a team t-shirt at registration. Please wear comfortable clothing layered appropriately for indoors and outdoors.
PARKING - Parking will be available for volunteers and participants in the West Garage and West Annex. The lots on the eastern side of campus will be open to permit holders. Signs will direct participants to the assembly area at the Sidney-Pacific Graduate Residence Hall.
CHILDREN'S GAMES - A variety of games will be set up for children. Children in the play area must be accompanied by an adult.
Good Luck and Have FUN!
Gayle Gallagher and Ted Johnson
2002 Johnson Games Organizers
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