Jodi Dean teaches political theory at Hobart and William Smith Colleges where she chairs the Department of Political Science. She is on the steering committee for the Social Science Research Council's Program on Information Technology and International Cooperation and is co-editing (with Geert Lovink and Jon Anderson a book presenting the project's outcomes). Her books include: Solidarity of Strangers (U of Cal Press, 1996), Aliens in America (Cornell UP, 1998--chosen as one of the Village Voice's Best Books of the Year), and Publicity's Secret: How Technoculture Capitalizes on Democracy (Cornell UP 2002). She serves on the editorial board of the journal Theory and Event and has edited symposia on new technologies for the journals Constellations and Signs as well as the books Feminism and the New Democracy (Sage 1997) and Cultural Studies and Political Theory (Cornell UP 2000). With Paul A. Passavant, she edited Empire's New Clothes: Reading Hardt and Negri (Routledge 2004). She is currently writing a book on the political theory of Slavoj Zizek to be published by Routledge.