Announcement, Ross Cisneros 2005
36" x 72" tar, ghillie suit, bailing twine, digital print
Purging Rome, Ross Cisneros 2005
40" x 45" scale model, tar, urethane.
Ross Cisneros, artist and composer, was raised in Southern California and Cocoa
Beach, Florida before moving to New York City. He received his BFA from the
Cooper Union School of Art and completed thesis work regarding Evil for his
S.M.Vis.S from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. While studying at
MIT, Cisneros sought the tutelage of theologians and studied hermeneutics at
the Harvard Divinity School. Having been influenced by the discipline of
preaching and the discourse of sacred things, Cisneros began to explore the
evocative nature of art and its close association with liturgical practice,
ministerial duty, and the inherent responsibility for evangelical distribution
of mystic truths. Cisneros has exhibited in numerous group shows in New York
and London often resulting in the melding of sculptural, cinematic, and
performative hallucinations. As a writer of critical essays, odes, and
sermons, Cisneros has co-authored a soon to be published book The Cool: An Aesthetic of Dissensus following his performance at
Artists Space 'This Machine Kills'. Ross works between New York City and his
biodynamic farm in New England. |