Ray Faith

Ray with friends Robbie and Debbie Nadler.


To be Research Computing Manager at the MIT Sloan School of Management

Proposed Educational Path

AB - Mathematics - University of Michigan 1969

MA - Mathematics - University of Michigan 1971

Phd - Statistics - University of Michigan 1975

Proposed Employment Path

Various sundry jobs - General Motors - Flint, MI '62-'69 (to learn to seek better jobs)

Supply Clerk - US Army - Saigon, Vietnam '66-'67 (to learn typing, visit Saigon zoo, contemplate the serious and the mundane)

RA - Institute for Social Research, Univ. of Mich. '70 - '74 (to learn sociometric models)

TA - Computer Science, Univ. of Mich. '70 - '74 (to learn how hard it is to teach)

Lecturer - UC Berkeley - Berkeley, CA '74 - '75 (to grok on Berkeley)

Asst. Prof. - Stanford - Stanford, CA '75 - '80 (to learn how great your colleagues can be)

Computer person - MIT Sloan - Cambridge, MA '80 - '11

Retiree - Bedford, MA '11 - present (to continue to grow into someone useful to myself and others)

Personal Goal - to have a wonderful family

Marry Teresa Méndez Vall - Montevideo, Uruguay Oct. '67

Become father of Edward Faith - Flint, Michigan Jul. '68
