7. CompilationUnits


Fantom source code for pods is organized into one or more directories on the file system. By convention the source tree of a pod is structured as follows:

  +- fan/        // ".fan" source files
  +- java/       // ".java" Java native peers
  +- js/         // ".js" JavaScript native peers
  +- dotnet/     // ".cs" C# native peers
  +- res/        // resources to bundle with pod
  +- locale/     // localization files
  +- test/       // ".fan" unit tests
  +- build.fan   // build script for pod
  +- pod.fandoc  // pod level documentation

Each of those directories may contain arbitrary sub-directories under it, although it is not required.

Fantom source code is stored in plain text files using a ".fan" extension. Each source file can contain one or more class or mixin definitions. Unlike Java, there is no restriction that each type must be in its own source file. Although by convention we put each class into a source file with a matching name. However if you have lots of little classes, then it is best to combine them intelligently.

Char Encoding

There is only one simple rule to follow - all Fantom source files must be in UTF-8 encoding. Even better, if you want to ensure that your source code is drop-dead easy to use in any editor then use standard 7-bit ASCII characters (which is a clean subset of UTF-8). End of story, enough said.

Anatomy of Source File

Compiler writers like to use the fancy term compilation unit to describe the text of a source file. A compilation unit has a pretty simple structure:

  1. Zero or more using statements
  2. One or more type definitions

The using statements import types from external pods into the compilation unit's namespace. The type definitions are the actual classes and mixins.


Every compilation unit can specify zero or more using statements to import types into the unit's namespace. Importing types into the namespace lets you use simple type names in your type signatures instead of qualified names.

The simplest form of the using statement is to import all the types of a pod into your namespace:

using inet

The statement above allows you to use any type defined in the inet pod via its simple name. For example the simple type name TcpSocket will now resolve to inet::TcpSocket.

We can also import a single type into the namespace. For example to just import inet::TcpSocket without importing all the other types from the inet pod we use this syntax:

using inet::TcpSocket

In large scale projects it is inevitable that two different pods will reuse the same type name. If we need to use both types in a compilation unit, then we could use the qualified name - although it can be a bit verbose. Another option is to use the using as statement. For example, given a naming collision between red::Foo and blue::Foo, we can import blue::Foo as BlueFoo with this syntax:

using blue::Foo as BlueFoo

The using as statement is for naming collisions - don't use it for bone-headed things like importing sys::Str as S (we've tried to keep key type names short to being with).

The sys pod is automatically imported into every compilation unit - in fact it is a compiler error if you try to import sys explicitly.


Fantom supports three styles of comments:

The ** comment is used for documentation. Like // comments, it comments everything to the end of the line. Fandoc comments are similar to /** */ Javadoc or /// C# documentation comments. You prefix one more lines of ** comments to specify the documentation for a type or slot definition:

** This class is really cool
class Cool
  ** When you gotta just do it!
  Void justDoIt() {}

The documentation is written in plain text using a special set of rules for structure called fandoc. Fandoc allows you to write documentation that looks good in plain text source files, but can be translated into other formats such as nicely formatted HTML.