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NW14 - 2nd Floor

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DRX 600

The DRX600 is equipped with a Bruker Avance console, SGI O2, and an Oxford magnet. It is a fully equipped four channel system, with hard and shaped pulse capabilities on all channels, pulsed field gradients, deuterium decoupling and an HR-MAS accessory.

4 FCUs (each with 256 kWords of waveform memory, 0.05 degree phase settability, and 0.001 Hz frequency resolution)

1 BLARH100 (100W linear pulse power/10 W linear CW) amplifier

3 BLAX300RS (300 W linear pulse power/30 W linear CW) amplifier

TCU with 12.5 nsec resolution

DQD (Digital Quadrature Detection)


GAB (10 amp, single channel gradient amplifier integrated in BSMS)

MAS Pneumatic Unit

Accustar Gradient Amplifier

BVT-3000 Temperature Controller

FTS Air-jet Cooler

Deuterium lock switch for RF deuterium decoupling with lock switching

BSMS and Digital Lock Magnet
14.1 Tesla 52 mm Oxford magnet

BOSS-2 Shim System

5 mm TXI 1H {13C/15N} with z-gradient

5 mm QXI 1H/31P {13C/15N} with z-gradient

4 mm HRMAS 1H/13C dual with gradient

IRIX version 6.3

XWINNMR version 2.6

NMR Guide & Encyclopedia version 1.0
