MIT Folk Dance Club presents--

Contra Dance for All: @ MIT

Contras at MIT concluded in October 2018!

If we're able to hold contra dances in the future, they will be announced on our email list. We will also attempt to post them on this website.

To contact us, email:
contra-request [at]

Thanks to everyone who provided support during this time of transition.


All dances are from 8:00 to 10:30 PM.

August 14, 2018
Semester Anticipation
Caller: Laura Johannes
Music: Jeff Kaufman (piano, feet) & Cecilia Vacanti (fiddle)
In Student Center 407 (4th floor)
Jeff Kaufman pic Cecilia Vacanti pic

September 11, 2018
Welcome & Beginner Special
Caller: Laura Johannes
Music: Cammy Kaynor (fiddle, recorder) & John Hicks (guitar). Sit-in musicians welcome.
In the Sala de Puerto Rico (Student Center 2nd floor)

September 25, 2018
Klezmer Contra Dance
Caller: Daniel Friedman
Music: Yaron Shragai (percussion, recorder), Jonah Sidman (fiddle), & Gawain Thomas (accordion). Sit-in musicians welcome.
In Student Center 407 (Student Center 4th floor)

October 9, 2018
Indigenous Peoples' Day Gala
Caller & Music: Tourner A Trois with Cammy Kaynor, John Hicks, & Tracy Scott. Sit-in musicians welcome.
In Student Center 407 (Student Center 4th floor)

October 16, 2018
Autumn Leaves Dance
Caller: Ron Blechner
Music: Eric Boodman (fiddle), Casey Murray (cello), & Friends. Sit-in musicians welcome.
In Student Center 407 (Student Center 4th floor)

October 23, 2018
Harvest & Klez Festival
Caller: Yaron Shragai
Music: Ishmael the Fiddler, Marnen Laibow-Koser (piano), Bruce Randall (winds, coconuts), & more! Sit-in musicians welcome.
In the Sala de Puerto Rico (Student Center Student Center 2nd floor)

October 30, 2018
Halloween Contra Dance & 20th Anniversary Gala -- the final MIT contra dance!
Caller: Jacob Bloom
Music: Carol Bittenson (fiddle), Debby Knight (piano), Julie Metcalf (fiddle), & many friends. Sit-in musicians welcome.
In Student Center 407 (Student Center 4th floor)
Debby Knight pic Carol Bittenson pic Julie Metcalf pic

Trying to remember who that awesome band was a few years ago? Check out our web archive at .


Free for MIT and Wellesley Students!
Optional donations accepted from the general public.

For More Information

Send an email to contra-request [at] mit [dot] edu

See the Folk Arts Center's website Folk Dancing 'Round Boston for a guide to other folk dances in this area, including contras.

E-mail List

To subscribe to our email list, send a blank email to fdc-contra-dance-subscribe[at]mit[dot]edu , or fill out this form:

Your email address:  
Your name (optional):  

updated 31-October-2018.

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