Program start time: 7:44:19 PM Program database: international Programmer: Janet BEROVKA, M206 Katia-B-801 Karsilimas-B-512 Dimitrija kendime-B-511 Tsamikos - The Eagle, GR123 Ruzmarin Kolo MAITRE DE LA MAISON ORIENT, S113 Rumelaj, R304 Dimitrija Zemer Atik La Bistringue-A-1108 Tsamikos - The Eagle, GR123 ORIENT, S113 Opsa, S408 Sfarlis (preferred) Devetorka - Niska Banja (Tomatoes) Agir Halay Laz Bar Ordu Ketri Ketri Nevesto Crven Trendafil (better) HORA MIRESI, R410 Kalamatianos - Kanarini Sweet Girl, A104 Rustemul, R121 Tino More-B-111 Alunelul , R325 Moj Dragane, C204 Gori More Schottis_barn_tyskan(slow) Bufcansko, M204 Dari Me Na Osmica (improved version) Cocek (Slow) Arap, M101 Kritikos Waltz - Boden (4Gone) Lesnoto - More Sokol Pie Table_EsmaCocek Table_ZvonceKolo_ZU Program finish time: 11:05