This page is an historical archive, and therefore is out of date and will not be updated. Please visit our updated homepage at for current information about the MIT Folk Dance Club. |
MIT Folk Dance Club presents--
Most dances are in the Student Center (84 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge MA).
Click here for directions and parking information.
No partner or experience is necessary. All dances are taught.
Free snacks at the break!Want to play in the band or learn to call?
Students and others are welcome to sit in with the band or call dances.
To find out more, and for booking inquiries, email contra-request [at]
All dances are from 8:00 to 10:30 PM.
Pre-Fall Introduction Caller: Don Veino Music: Carol Bittenson, Steve Bittenson, & Debby Knight In Kresge Auditorium Rehearsal Room B (air conditioned, with a wooden floor) |
Beginner & All Special * Register for Fall Contra Class, beginning now! Earn a certificate in Contra Dance; attend 6 of the next 8 dances! Deal: Pay for 6, get 8! Caller: Dave Eisenstadter Music: Jonathan Cannon, Audrey Knuth & Friends In the Student Center Coffeehouse (3rd floor) |
Forget-me-Not Gala Caller: Daniel Friedman Music: Velocipede with Julia Plumb (fiddle, foot percussion) & Baron Collins-Hill (tenor guitar, mandolin) In Student Center 407 (4th floor) |
Equinox Gala Caller: Ben Sachs-Hamilton Music: Julie Vallimont, Audrey Knuth, & Jonah Sidman In Student Center 407 (4th floor) |
Harvest Fiesta Caller: Laura Johannes Music: Rick Kaufman (fiddle), Stephen Thomforde (bagpipes & flute), Kira Treibergs (cello), & Jeff Kaufman (piano & feet) In the Sala de Puerto Rico (Student Center 2nd floor) |
Autumn Leaves Caller: Angela DeCarlis Music: Jonah Sidman & Bethany Waickman In Lobdell Dining Hall (Student Center 2nd floor) |
Columbus Day Festival Caller: Dereck Kalish Music: Julie Metcalf, Larry Unger, & Joel Wennerstrom In Student Center 491 (4th floor) |
Klezmer Style Contra Dance Caller: Jacob Bloom Music: ContraKlez with John Chambers, Ben Pasamanick, & Cal Howard In Student Center 491 (4th floor) |
Halloween Party Caller: Ann Cowan Music: Audrey Knuth & Mike Sokolovsky In Student Center 491 (4th floor) |
Peace Day Celebration Caller: Susan Elberger Music: Jumpstart In Student Center 491 (4th floor) |
Thanksgiving Dance Caller: Chris Lahey Music: Jeff Kaufman (piano & foot percussion), Stephen Thomforde (Scottish small bagpipes, recorder & brass), Emily Liss (fiddle), and Friends In Student Center 491 (4th floor) |
Early Winter Festival Caller: Dereck Kalish Music: FloorPlay with Debby Knight (piano), Carol Bittenson (fiddle), & Paul Lizotte (fiddle) In Lobdell Dining Hall (Student Center 2nd floor) |
Holiday Party Caller: Ben Sachs-Hamilton Music: Jonah Sidman (fiddle), Eric Eid-Reiner (piano), & Friends In Student Center 491 (4th floor) |
New Year's Party Caller: Dereck Kalish Music: Carol Bittenson, Steve Bittenson, & Max Newman In Student Center 491 (4th floor) |
Spring Anticipation Caller: Dereck Kalish (filling in for Chris Lahey) Music: Jon Cannon, Audrey Knuth, Dave Cory, & Friends In Student Center 491 (4th floor) |
Welcome & Beginner Special Caller: Ben Sachs-Hamilton Music: Audrey Knuth (fiddle), Dave Cory (tenor banjo & guitar), & Max Newman (guitar) In Lobdell Dining Hall (Student Center 2nd floor) |
Gala Mardi Gras & Valentine's Day Party Caller: Angela DeCarlis Music: The Dixie Butterhounds In Lobdell Dining Hall (Student Center 2nd floor) |
Levi Strauss Birthday Caller: Ann Cowan Music: Contraindicated with Eric Mumpower (bass clarinet), Johanna Bobrow (fiddle), & Victor Troll (subbing for Julie Vallimont, piano) In Student Center 491 (4th floor) |
March Winds & Purim Gala Caller: Don Veino Music: Carol Bittenson, Steve Bittenson, & Debby Knight In Lobdell Dining Hall (Student Center 2nd floor) |
Klezmer Style Caller: Jacob Bloom Music: Contraklez In Student Center 491 (4th floor) |
St. Pat's Day Party Caller: Ben Sachs-Hamilton Music: JumpStart In Student Center 491 (4th floor) |
April Fool's Day Caller: Ben Sachs-Hamilton Music: Audrey Knuth (fiddle) & Max Newman (guitar) In Student Center 491 (4th floor) |
Caller: Laura Johannes Music: Audrey and Clayton with Audrey Budington (violin) and Clayton Clemetson (piano) In Student Center 491 (4th floor) |
Earth Day - Pre-NEFFA Gala Caller: Angela DeCarlis Music: Don Stratton & Max Newman In Student Center 491 (4th floor) |
May Day - Cinco de Mayo Fiesta Caller: Susan Elberger Music: Debby Knight (piano), Carol Bittenson (fiddle), & Bruce Rosen (guitar). Sit-in musicians welcome. In Student Center 491 (4th floor) |
End of Semester Fiesta Caller: Paul Wilde Music: Audrey Knuth (fiddle), Dave Cory (banjo), & Mike Sokolovsky (guitar, foot percussion) In Lobdell Dining Hall (Student Center 2nd floor) |
Early Summer Party Callers: Dereck Kalish & Angela DeCarlis Music: Nova with Kathleen Fownes (fiddle), Guillaume Sparrow-Pepin (accordion, piano), & Everest Witman (guitar, foot percussion) In Student Center 491 (4th floor) |
Summer Solstice Caller: Chris Lahey Music: No Strings Attached with Bruce Randall, Ray Salvo, & Deborah Gerstein In Student Center 491 (4th floor) |
Bastille Day Caller: Dereck Kalish Music: John Chambers (accordion), Paul Lizotte (fiddle), & Deborah Gerstein (piano) In Lobdell Dining Hall (Student Center 2nd floor) |
Mid-Summer Gala Caller: Paul Wilde Music: Dave Reiner (fiddle, mandolin) & Eric Eid-Reiner (piano) In Lobdell Dining Hall (Student Center 2nd floor) |
August Chill Caller: Zoe Madonna: Welcome this new caller from Oberlin, Ohio! Music: Snow Date with Julia Hartman (fiddle), Jean Monroe (piano), & Bruce Randall (recorders, whistles, trombone, coconuts) In Lobdell Dining Hall (Student Center 2nd floor) |
Fall Anticipation Caller: Paul Wilde Music: Paul Lizotte (fiddle), Debby Knight (fiddle), & Victor Troll (piano) In Student Center 407 (4th floor) |
Free for MIT and Wellesley Students!
Suggested donation: $3 from other students; $6 from the general public.
Send an email to contra-request [at] mit [dot] edu
See the Folk Arts Center's website Folk Dancing 'Round Boston for a guide to other folk dances in this area, including contras.
Updated 18-June-2014.
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