This page is an historical archive, and therefore is out of date and will not be updated. Please visit our updated homepage at for current information about the MIT Folk Dance Club.

MIT Folk Dance Club and the Country Dance Society, Boston Centre present--

Contra Dance for All at MIT,
Every Second and Fourth Tuesday

Great Live Music Every Time!

Refreshments Too!

7:30-10:30 PM, usually in either Student Center Rm. 407 (or 491) or Lobdell Dining Hall .
You can always check the location on the Folk Phone, dial 617-253-FOLK.

Free Parking in Kresge Lot.
Get directions to the MIT Campus.

All welcome, especially students! No Partner or Experience Necessary. All dances are taught.

Want to Play in the Band or Learn to Call?
Students and others are welcome to sit in with the band and/or call dances in this series! To find out more, call Ann Cowan 617-354-0864 or email acowan3 [at] earthlink [dot] net.


September 14, 1999
Beginners' Night! No experience or partner needed!
Caller: Dan Pearl
Music: Terry Traub & Cal Howard. Sit-ins encouraged.
In Student Center Rm. 407
Come dance in AIR CONDITIONED comfort!

September 28, 1999
Beginners' Night! No experience or partner needed!
Caller: Rick Mohr
Music: Terry Traub, Cal Howard / Colin Ferguson & Sit-Ins!
Sit-Ins welcome in the band!
In Student Center Rm. 407
Come dance in AIR CONDITIONED comfort!

October 12, 1999
Columbus Day Party!
Caller: Angel Roman
Music: Terry Traub and Cal Howard
Sit-Ins welcome in the band!
In Student Center Rm. 407
Come dance in AIR CONDITIONED comfort!

October 26, 1999
Hallowe'en Party!
Caller: Ann Cowan
Music: Swinging on a Gate (Jim Guinness & Judy Francis) and Terry Traub
Sit-Ins welcome in the band!
In Lobdell Dining Hall in the Student Center (2nd floor)

November 9, 1999
Party with the celtic tunes & offbeat songs of elh!
Caller: Steve Boylan
Music: Einstein's Little Homunculus
In Lobdell Dining Hall in the Student Center (2nd floor)

November 23, 1999
pre-Thanksgiving Day Party!
Caller: Linda Leslie
Music: Carol Kycia (sax and clarinet) and Cal Howard (piano)
Sit-Ins welcome in the band!
In Student Center Rm. 407

December 14, 1999
Caller: Eve Kitchen
Music: The Dixie Butterhounds
In W20-491, 4th floor of the Student Center.

December 28, 1999
Caller: Laura Johannes
Music: The Klezmer Contra Band with John Chambers & Friends
In W20-491, 4th floor of the Student Center.

January 11, 2000
Caller: Tony Saletan
Music: Cal Howard & Eric Merrill
In W20-407, 4th floor of the Student Center.

January 25, 2000
Caller: Chris Ricciotti
Music: Cal Howard & fiddler
In W20-407, 4th floor of the Student Center.

February 8, 2000
Caller: Laura Johannes
Music: John Chambers & Bill Possi
In Lobdell Dining Hall, 2nd floor of the Student Center.

February 22, 2000
Caller: Ann Cowan
Music: Eric Merrill, Bill Possi, & Cal Howard
In W20-407, 4th floor of the Student Center.

March 14, 2000
Caller: Linda Leslie
Music: Terry Traub & Cal Howard
In Walker Memorial: Morss Dining Hall.

March 28, 2000
Caller: Angel Roman
Music: Dave Titus & Terry Traub
In W20-407, 4th floor of the Student Center.

April 11, 2000
In W20-407, 4th floor of the Student Center.

April 25, 2000
Caller: Dan Pearl
Music: Terry Traub, Robin Kynoch, & Susan Janssen
In W20-407, 4th floor of the Student Center.

May 9, 2000
Caller: Steve Boylan
Music: Sylvia Miskoe & Cal Howard
In W20-407, 4th floor of the Student Center.
Air Conditioned!

May 23, 2000
Spring Fling Party
Caller: Ann Cowan
Music: Einstein's Little Homunculus
In Sala de Puerto Rico, 2nd floor of the Student Center.
Air Conditioned!

June 13, 2000
Summer Solstice
Caller: Laura Johannes
Music: Carol Kycia, clarinet & fiddle, and Cal Howard, piano; sit-ins welcome!
In Lobdell Dining Hall, 2nd floor of the Student Center.
Air Conditioned!

June 27, 2000
"June Bug" Party
Caller: Angel Roman
Music: Vince O'Donnell & Judy Francis
In Lobdell Dining Hall, 2nd floor of the Student Center.
Air Conditioned!

July 11, 2000
Midsummer Gala with Roaring Jelly
Caller: Linda Leslie
Music: Roaring Jelly
In Lobdell Dining Hall, 2nd floor of the Student Center.
Air Conditioned!

July 25, 2000

August 8, 2000

August 22, 2000


Free for Students!
Donation requested from non-MIT students: $4.

For More Information:

Call Ann Cowan 617-354-0864, or email acowan3 [at] earthlink [dot] net

Flyers by Email

Would you like an email reminder about each dance, and announcements of any changes? Subscribe to our email list! Please send mail to fdc-request [at] to subscribe.

Produced by Ann Cowan.
Sponsored by the MIT Folk Dance Club and the Country Dance Society, Boston Centre.
MIT liaison, Larry Stone.

Web page by Larry Stone. Last updated 11-Mar-99.

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