i am assistant to antonio torralba and peter szolovits , professors in eecs at the computer science and artificial intelligence laboratory. i also coordinate the urop and super urop programs at the mit quest for intelligence and the mit-ibm watson ai lab, which are part of mit's newly launched college of computing.
in the department of athletics, physical education and recreation (daper) i am a yoga and pilates physical education instructor. i appreciate all aspects of yogic philosophy and greatly enjoy the opportunity to practice it in the mit community. i have been teaching since 2004 anywhere from gyms, to dorms, labs, varsity teams, student groups and yoga studios. my current teaching schedule is below.
fall 2020 teaching schedule
p.e. yoga: mon + wed 5pm, remotely
p.e. pilates: mon + wed 6pm, remotely
prof. antonio torralba | prof.
peter szolovits
mit-ibm watson ai lab | clinical decision making group | mit quest for intelligence
mit | csail | accessibility
fern deoliveira keniston
mit csail
cambridge, massachusetts
fernd at mit dot edu