FRC 97 Video - 2007 FIRST Championship - Atlanta, GA
Max in the new aluminum Corvette frame, part of the GM showcase. |
David spotted me. Ed looks confused and angry. |
Some time-lapse footage of the escalators in Georgia World Congress Center, Building C. |
Evan, after losing his boarding pass out on the field and interrupting the Chairman's Award presentation. |
Max, explaining why we should build a Segway. Actually, I missed it the first time and tried to get them to run the dialog again for the camera, but nobody could keep a straight face. |
Okay, so maybe you can't ride it, but it still looks cool at night. Courtesy of Ed's camera. |
Since we never had to fix the robot, we converted our pit area into a hair salon. |
Two holonomic robots competing. I'd define "holonomic," but the video is worth 24,000 words per second. |
Ah, spring. |
Some kind of fashion statement. |
Mike gets hit in the head with a soccer ball. Not to worry, though: See that girl in the background? She takes a frisbee to the face courtesy of Max about five minutes later. (That was unfortunately not caught on camera.) |
A view of the pits in the Georgia World Congress Center. Over 300 teams were on site. |
David somehow making it through the Olympic ring fountains without getting wet. |
Wirebrushing the robot with a dremel, interrupted by the spontanueous outburst of "Robot!" |
Matt is a little camera shy. |
Too much time on their hands. |
Dan doesn't like being filmed. |
The view from the Sundial elevator in the Westin, as captured by Thaddeus. |
I tried to tell them you don't have to pose for video... |
Woodie Flowers enters in style. |
A close-up of the ultralight wrist powered by steel cable and surgical tubing. |
A bird that found its way into the Georgia Dome. Or maybe it's a robotic bird? |
Check out the incredible double-lift at the
end. That's a full-weight robot with bumpers, not even fully on
the ramp, and we make it look easy. Some light defense (it's just a practice
match) against 121, a fellow New England team from Rhode Island, who
probably is tired of us getting in their way since the Boston
Regional. Yes, we can score tubes. Check out the new "stick" that
Dan made. There's a nasty head-on collision at the beginning of this
one. More tube-scoreing practice. Not that we needed
it... We drop two tubes and have our spoiler stolen, but that's
okay, it's only practice. This is the first time I can remember that we have
actually won our first qualification match. The active lift is so smooth;
it looks like it was actually designed as opposed to sketched on a
whiteboard and built in one day. After showing off our lifter in the first match,
we switch to tube scoring mode and then catch some air on 771's ramp,
basically proving that we can do everything, even though we lost this
match. Some footage from the drivers-eye-view. If you thought it
looked easy from up in the stands, this should convince you of how hard it
is to see what you're doing. 1305, a tank-tread robot, does a
great job climbing our ramp, adding 30 points to our lead at the
end. We play some defense against another one of our New
England friends, Boston Regional Champions Gael Force (126). With the rack
less full, we win on the strength of a difficult 30-point ramp climb
by 1155. Playing with my high school team (527), we hold off the
opposing alliance as our two teammates rack up the points. We couldn't
make it back in time to deploy the ramp, but go the win anyway. Our large-ramped alliance partner tips over mid-match,
forcing a change of plans as we try to deploy our ramp and literally scoop
up our other teammate... Unfortunately, it didn't quite work. Paired up again with my HS team (527), we create quite a
mess at the end, with just four of eighteen wheels from our alliance
ending in contact with the ground. But, we did get the win.