Jack Florey Purity Test

Instructions for Use
Mark one point for every "no" answer. This is your percentage of purity.
Every item has been done by either a current or previous hall resident.

The most newly-added questions are followed by (*).

"Sex" is defined as oral, anal, and/or vaginal sex. Ditto for "slept with."


Have you ever:

Section 1: Sex

Section 2: Hacking

Section 3: Criminal Activities

Section 4: Drugs

Section 5: Destruction

Section 6: Hall Events

Section 7: Miscellaneous

AND...subtract a point for every hall member you've slept with beyond the first (they don't have to be living here now)
HTMLized by Matt Lockhart on 21 August 1998
Last significant modification for content (including starred questions) by [REDACTED]
Fifth East / florey@mit.edu