Fluids Modules Tools Downloads Page

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Welcome to the Fluids Modules Tools Downloads Page! Here, you will be able to download some of our web-based educational tools.

LOPSM - Latex Online Problem Set Maker (athena and linux)
LOPSM is an application for generating and posting online problem sets. The main version of LOPSM accepts LaTeX as input. Our installation files describe how to deploy LOPSM on MIT Athena. read more
WOPSM - Windows Online Problem Set Maker (windows)
WOPSM is a Windows version of LOPSM. Instead of taking LaTeX as input, WOPSM takes Postscript Files generated by Microsoft Word. read more
Equation Parsing Graph (any platform)
Equation Parsing Graph lets the instructor specify equations, and plots those equations with a Java Applet. Students can then visit the Java Applet to see what the equation looks like with different parameters. read more