An opening is available for a Postdoctoral Associate to join the research team in Dr. Troy Littleton’s laboratory at The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory and Department of Biology at MIT. The focus of the laboratory's work is to understand how synaptic connections form, how synapses transmit information, and how synapses undergo plastic changes in their structure and function. To complement this basic research in neuroscience, the lab also studies how alterations in neuronal signaling underlie several neurological diseases, including epilepsy and Huntington’s Disease. The lab combines electrophysiology, molecular biology, protein biochemistry, microarray technology, and imaging approaches with Drosophila genetics to address these questions. The successful applicant will join a dynamic and growing MIT neurobiology community, with access to a broad range of the latest scientific technologies. Requirements: Strong background in electrophysiology, good organizational and leadership skills, motivation and an ability to work independently required. Starting time negotiable. Interested applicants can send a CV and the names, email addresses and telephone numbers of three references to: J. Troy Littleton, The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, MIT, 43 Vassar St., 68-3243 Cambridge, MA 02139-4307; Email: troy@mit.edu.