at 2 years old -- already becoming a sports nut!
Troy at 3 years old -- I was cute at least once in my life.
Troy at 7 years old -- nice buzz cut -- when I actually had hair, my folks
cut it all off anyway.
High School Football -- Senior year at West Monroe High School,
West Monroe, LA
Senior Picture, High School, 1985.
High School Graduation
West Monroe High School, LA, 1985
Troy and Laura in St. Augustine, FL, during a summer of research on olfactory
and gustatory signaling in the nervous system of lobsters.
Summer before Senior Year of College at LSU, Baton Rouge, LA 1988
The summer research group at the Whitney Marine Research Labs at St.
Augustine, FL during 1987. I'm second from left.
Starting Ph.D. Class in Neuroscience at Baylor College of Medicine in 1990.
Summer Research Course at Cold Spring Harbor in Neurobiology of Drosophila,
1993. I'm first on the left.
Baylor College of Medicine circa 1994. Our softball team, The
Brain Mashers, did a lot more drinking than we did playing -- but at least
we were good at drinking, which is more than I can say for our softball playing.
MBL Neurobiology Course -- 2002 |