Leonardo da Vinci Dinner Lecture Series

Feb. 19 "The Development of Biotechnology" - Phillip Sharp Salvador E. Luria Professor of Biology and Head of the Department of Biology
MENU: Red beans and rice, and jambalaya

Feb. 26 "The Humanities at MIT: One Dean's Perspective" - Philip Khoury, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science and Professor of History
MENU: Fattoush and chicken with sumac

March 5 "Telerobotic Archeology in the Deep Ocean" - David Mindell, Frances and David Dibner Assistant Professor of the History of Engineering and Manufacturing
MENU: Zarzuela: A Spanish seafood medley

March 12 "Cilkchess: MIT's World-Class Computer Chess Program" - Charles E. Leiserson, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
MENU: Cassoulet: Lamb, duck, and pork with white beans

April 1 (Wed) "Designing Manufacturing Systems" - David Cochran, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
MENU: Bisteeya: Chicken and saffron baked in phyllo

April 9 "Technique in Poetry" - Irene Tayler, Professor of Literature, Emeritus, and MacVicar Fellow
MENU: Pork tenderloin with wild blueberries, capers, and balsamic vinegar

April 16 "Why physicists can't figure out how superconductors superconduct" - Robert Birgeneau, Dean of the School of Science and Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics
MENU: Duck with fresh and dried cranberries

April 23 "The Science and Engineering of Fine Wines" - Linn Hobbs, John F. Elliot Professor of Materials
MENU: Julia Child's Boeuf Bourguignon

April 30 "Experience, Imagination, and Architecture" - William Porter, Professor Architecture
MENU: Zuni lamb stew with green chilies and hominy