Athena Minicourses

Introduction to Athena (Intro)
An introduction to Athena and Athena workstations. Topics include: what you can do on Athena, getting an account, logging in, windows, sending messages, finding help and documentation.
Pre-requisites: None

Basic Word Processing (Basic WP)
Elementary text editing with Emacs, sending and receiving electronic mail, and using the Athena printers.
Pre-requisites: Intro

Working on Athena (Working)
Just the basics: files, directories, job control, and more. What every new user should know about UNIX, Athena's operating system.
Pre-requisites: Intro, Basic WP

Advanced Word Processing: EZ (EZ)
Pre-requisites: Basic WP
Introduction to EZ, a combination text editor and formatter, with text-editing commands that are similar to Emacs. As a formatter, it is menu-driven and easy to learn, in the popular style of the "What You See Is (pretty much) What You Get" packages.

Advanced Word Processing: LATEX (Latex)
Pre-requisites: Basic WP
An introduction to Latex, a widely-used text formatter, used for converting a text file into an attractive, professional-looking document. It is a powerful and flexible program, with the capability to typeset many foreign characters and very complex mathematical text.

Customization on Athena (Dotfiles)
Pre-requisites: Serious Emacs, some Athena experience
Intended for the intermediate-level Athena user, this course will discuss the Athena login sequence and the user-configuration files (dotfiles) that affect it, as well as changes the user can make to those and other files to customize their working environment.

Introduction to FrameMaker (Frame)
Pre-requisites: Intro, Basic, WP, Working
FrameMaker is a powerful word-processing and document preparation package now available on Athena.

FrameMaker for Your Thesis (Frame Thesis)
Pre-requisites: Frame, some Frame experience
FrameMaker, with a special template, can be used to produce an MIT thesis that meets all Institute formatting requirements.

HTML -- Making a WWW Home Page (HTML)
Pre-requisite: Info Res
Covers the basic features of HTML ("Hyper-Text Mark-up Language") the language of the World Wide Web, as well as the steps needed to post your own Web page on Athena.

Information Resources on Athena (Info Res)
Pre-requisites: Basic WP
A survey of the communications, help, and other resources available on Athena.

Latex Thesis (LatexThs)
Pre-requisites: Latex, some Latex experience
Using the Latex text formatter to produce a fully-featured thesis that meets all MIT format requirements.

Maple (Maple)
Pre-requisites: Basic WP
A mathematics program that can perform numerical and symbolic calculations, including formal and numerical integration, solving algebraic or transcendental systems and differential equations, and series expansion and matrix manipulation. It also has extensive graphics capabilities.

Math Software Overview (MSO)
Pre-requisites: Basic WP
A survey of major mathematics and graphing packages available on Athena.

Matlab (Matlab)
Pre-requisites: Basic WP
An interactive program for scientific and engineering numeric calculation. Applications include: matrix manipulation, digital signal processing, and 3-dimensional graphics.

Serious Emacs (Ser. Emacs)
Pre-requisites: Basic WP, some Emacs experience
The text editor introduced in Basic Word Processing has many useful features not covered in that course. This course is a must for anyone who uses Emacs more than an hour or two each week.

Xess (Xess)
Pre-requisites: Basic WP
A powerful and easy-to-learn spreadsheet, with a full range of mathematical, statistical, matrix, and string functions. It will be useful for scientific and engineering computations, as well as to general and financial users.