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Web Certificates Provide Key to MIT Network

Lee Ridgway

MIT Web certificates are the key to several MIT services available over the Web to authorized users. Certificates provide authentication and set up a secure connection to these services that ensures the privacy of transactions over the Web. MIT’s secure Web services include outside ISP access to tute.mit.edu, the Benefits Office, MIT Forums, IS Help Desk CaseTracker logs, NECX, SAPweb, WebSIS, and others.

Among the benefits of certificates is convenience: once you have your set of certificates – site and personal – you can get to any of MIT’s secure Web services for which you are authorized. Without certificates, you would probably need a different username and password for each application. Also, with certificates there is no need to send your Kerberos password over the Internet.

MIT personal certificates are set to expire periodically, based upon when the certificate was acquired. Periodic expiration of certificates helps maintain security by ensuring that only current MIT faculty, students, and staff are in the system. If you have a personal certificate that expires, you will not be able to use any of MIT’s secure Web applications until you get a new personal certificate.

Many MIT personal certificates will expire on February 28 or March 1, 1999. (The MIT site certificate does not expire until the year 2006). Information Systems recommends that these personal certificates be renewed as soon as possible. The new certificate will be valid until December 31, 1999.

To check the expiration date on your personal certificate, go to the Web page at <http://web.mit.edu/is/help/cert/certsexp.html>.

To get a new personal certificate, go to the Web page at <http://web.mit.edu/is/help/cert/quicksum.html>.

If you have questions about the process, contact the IS Computing Help Desk:

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