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Input Sought on Vendor Partnerships

Thomas S. Hoole

The Procurement Department is very interested in your opinion regarding the overall performance and value of our seven Vendor Partnerships. If you utilize any of the MIT Partner Vendors, we would like to hear from you. Your responses will help us better evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each partnership. We will use the results from this survey to help the Partnership Managers work toward improving the overall value of the Partnerships to the MIT Community.

We would appreciate you taking a few moments to complete our Partner Vendor Web Survey. Our survey can be found on the Web at http://web.mit.edu/cao/www/procure/websurvey.html. Here you will be able to complete the survey online (anonymously if you wish) and submit it electronically to the Procurement Office.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete our Partner Vendor Survey. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.

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