Reactions / Réactions

You are at the movies. The people sitting right behind you make loud comments about the film. Vous êtes au cinéma et des gens assis derrière vous commentent le film à voix haute.
  • Ask them to be quiet.
  • Ask them to quiet down.
  • I calmly tell them to lower their voice.
  • i glare back them
  • I smile back
  • I talk loudly about how annoying they are, then turn around and tell them to shut up.
  • I think "These people are jerks" and if they continue I tell them to be quiet.
  • I turn around and politely tell them to be quiet. If it persists, I call a manager.
  • I turn around ask them to please be quiet
  • I would ask them to stop.
  • I would be very annoyed, and I would tell an employee.
  • I would feel very angry and think these people are stupid. I would shush but without being confrontational
  • I would get angry, but I would not do anything.
  • I would get annoyed and ask them to keep the noise down politely.
  • I would get pissed off and turn around and ask them (politely) to shut it and respect everyone else in the theator.
  • I would probably ignore the comments and try to focus on the movie
  • I would tell them to be quiet
  • I would think to myself that these people have to respect for others.
  • I would turn around and glare at them.
  • I would turn around and glare.
  • I would turn around and tell them that though they are entitled to an opinion, not everyone agrees with or is interested in their opinion.
  • I would wait a little to see if they get quieter, then I would tell them to be quiet.
  • Turn around and give them a cold stare.
  • Turn around and give them a disparaging look.
  • excusez moi, pourriez vous parlez moins fort s'il vous plaît
  • je fais comme dans le film, je sors mon pistolet et je tire
  • je laisse faire quelques instants parce que ça arrive
  • je les rappelle à l'ordre
  • je leur demande avec politesse pour qu'ils baissent leurs voix
  • je leur demande cordialement de fermer leur fuckin' gueule
  • je leur demande de baisser le ton gentiement
  • Je leur demande de se taire
  • je leur demande de se taire ou de sortir
  • je leur demande discrètement de se taire
  • je leur demanderai de baisser le ton
  • je leur dirai clairement qu'ils pourraient se taire
  • je leur dirais de se taire poliment
  • je leur demande de se taire
  • je leur demande poliment de parler moins fort
  • je lui dis de se taire
  • je me lève et je les insulte
  • Je me retourne et je leur demande poliment de se taire.
  • je me retourne et je les engueule
  • Je ne dis rien
  • je ne dis rien et espère qu'ils vont s'arrêter
  • ta gueule s'il te plaît
  • taisez vous
  • une réflexion