Sentences / Phrases

A good student is someone Un bon étudiant est quelqu'un
  • hardworking, helpful, social
  • who appreciates the opportunity of an education, who makes an effort to learn by completing all work individually.
  • who comprehends the material well enough to explain it to others, although this comprehension may not be reflected in their test scores.
  • who does his work and still has time to party.
  • who does his work, reads the assignments, and goes to class.
  • who enjoys what he's doing
  • who gets good grades, who does not wait for the last minute to do their homework, who goes to class
  • who gets his work done, who really understands everything he learns
  • who gives his best, strives to achieve academic excellence
  • who goes to all his classes, does all his homework, studies hard, and does well
  • who is conscientious about his studies.
  • who is consistent and meticulous
  • who is responsible and does more than is required.
  • who is responsible for his own work, who puts effort and wishes to learn
  • who keeps on top of his studies
  • who studies hard, who desires and craves understanding of a subject.
  • who studies when they should but knows how to diversify their interests and have another life.
  • who takes their work seriously, tries to enjoy learning
  • who understands what they set out to understand.
  • who wants to learn what they are being taught
  • who works hard
  • who works hard
  • who works hard, learns
  • who works hard, who studies a lot,.
  • analyse, n'apprend pas bêtement
  • d'assidu
  • d'assidu, rigoureux
  • d'épanoui
  • de sérieux et fêtard
  • de sérieux et fêtard qui arrive à faire les deux en même temps
  • de studieux et de réactif
  • qui délire
  • qui est passionné parce qu'il fait
  • qui est sérieux et rigoureux
  • qui fait ce qu'il peut
  • qui réussit, intelligent
  • qui travaile, qui étudie, qui fait la fête
  • qui travaille
  • qui travaille
  • qui travaille
  • qui travaille
  • qui travaille
  • qui travaille
  • qui travaille régulièrement
  • qui travaille régulièrement
  • qui travaille régulièrement.
  • qui étudie ce qu'il aime
  • responsable, motivé
  • sait faire la fête