Sentences / Phrases

A good boss is someone Un bon patron est quelqu'un
  • provides guidance but also trusts your judgment.
  • That pays you well, that does not boss you around too much, compliments you on your good work
  • who can establish a relationship of trust and respect with his subordinates
  • who cares for their employees, who tries to make the workplace welcoming to employees
  • who clearly defines what the goals are, who treats employees like people
  • who doesn't boss anyone, leads by example, and rewards hard work.
  • who doesn't fire employees for no reason, who gives raises to those who deserve them
  • who encourages hard work, pays a lot and doesn't expect TOO much.
  • who encourages his subordinates and appreciates them
  • who encourages workplace creativity
  • who gives you space to do things your way
  • who has good interpersonal skills, and someone that can separate mind from emotion
  • who is empathetic and sincere
  • who is encouraging, who is a good leader.
  • who is fair
  • who is fair with pay and benefits, who is understanding in cases when life happens.
  • who is good to his employees.
  • who leads with a strong hand but has compassion
  • who makes an effort to understand the effort of his employee.
  • who makes their employee want to work, understands that the employee has a life
  • who respects his employees, and listens to them
  • who rewards hard work, mediates with and listens to his/her employees.
  • who sets the rules but isn't overbearing
  • who upholds the law and helps those that are in need.
  • compréhensible, calme ,sage ,qui ne manipule pas
  • d'humain
  • de compréhensible
  • de prévoyant
  • de responsable et de courageux
  • honnête, imaginatif
  • impartial, de jovial mais sachant mettre certaines barrières
  • qui se fait respecter
  • qui connait son activité de l'aval en amont
  • qui donne une bonne paie, sympathique, pas stressant
  • qui est à l'écoute
  • qui est pédagogue
  • qui explique
  • qui manage
  • qui manage bien
  • qui ne prend pas ses employés pour des numéros
  • qui paie bien
  • qui paye
  • qui paye bien ses employés
  • qui respecte ses employées
  • qui sait déléguer.
  • qui sait motiver ses troupes
  • qui t'apprend des choses, qui est franc
  • qui vous donne des ordres, des directives
  • réfléchi, impartial