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You find out that your best friend has been lying to you about something that is important to you. Vous découvrez que votre meilleur/e ami/e vous ment à propos de quelqu'un ou d'une affaire qui vous tient à coeur.
  • Ask him why he lied and attempt to resolve the situation.
  • assume he was doing it for my own good
  • Feel very upset and betrayed.
  • he/she would stop being my best friend, I would lose trust and respect for that person
  • I address my friend and tell them my feelings on the matter. If necessary, I discontinue speaking with them.
  • I confront them about it.
  • I feel somewhat upset/betrayed and talk to them about it frankly.
  • I get upset and ask for an explanation
  • I have a very serious talk with him/her about the issue. I would expect an apology, and a pledge that it will never happen again.
  • I would ask her why she could not be honest with me.
  • I would be deeply wounded and would have a hard time getting over it and trusting them again.
  • I would confront him or her.
  • I would confront him/her and demand an explanation - I would converse this in an appropriate manner.
  • I would confront my best friend about it, but I would be very hurt.
  • I would confront my friend and ask him/her why he/she lied, ask for an apology, and try to work out a resolution.
  • I would feel angry and would confront him and ask for explanations.
  • I would feel very betrayed, and I would talk to the friend. That might be the end of the friendship.
  • I would most certainly confront him, because if he were really my best friend, that would not be a problem
  • I would talk to them about it more in-depth
  • I'd confront her
  • I'd feel betrayed and would confront that person.
  • ill find out why
  • Talk to your friend about it.
  • This has happened and REALLY bothers me. I get very angry and hurt at the same time.
  • cela me rend triste et j'essaie de savoir pourquoi
  • explication franche
  • j'essaie de comprendre quelles ont été ses motivations pour me tromper
  • j'éclaircirais la situation avec elle.
  • je cherche à savoir pourquoi elle me ment
  • je demande des explications si elle a tort je garde l'amitié mais de loin.
  • je le laisse mariner, je ne le vois plus, ne donne plus de nouvelles jusqu'à ce qu'il revienne et là, je lui jette mes 4 vérité en face
  • je lui demande de m'expliquer autour d'un verre
  • je lui demande des explications
  • Je lui dis que je sais qu'il me ment et lui demande pourquoi
  • je lui en parle rapidement
  • je lui en veux pour le reste de la vie
  • je lui explique clairement que c'est pas une chose à faire.
  • je lui fais comprendre que l'amitié demande de la confiance mutuelle
  • je lui ferai plus confiance
  • je me sens trahie et je lui réserve un chien de ma chienne
  • je ne crois plus à son amitie
  • je raye cette personne de ma vie
  • je suis déçu
  • je suis vexé et enervé et je lui demande pourquoi
  • je vais éclaircir les choses avec lui
  • je veux rentrer dans la confidence
  • le salaud
  • salope