Reactions / Réactions

You are in the non-smoking section of a restaurant. Someone at the next table lights a cigarette. Vous êtes dans la section non-fumeur d'un restaurant. Quelqu'un à la table d'à côté allume une cigarette.
  • Ask the waiter to resolve the situation.
  • Depending how they look, i'd ask them to be quiet or I would move.
  • Give them a disparaging look, tell the waiter/restaurant staff.
  • i ask them if they can put it away....or give me one?
  • I don't care. I like the smell of cigarette smoke.
  • I let the restaurant management take care of it - it's not my problem.
  • I reach over, take their cigarette, and put it out on their forehead.
  • I stand up, go to that table, and tell them to please stop smoking.
  • I would ask the waiter to ask them to put it out. If they don't, I will ask them. If they still don't I will get up and walk out.
  • I would ask the waiter to tell them not to smoke.
  • I would ask the waitress/waiter to have the patron switch tables or put out the cigarette.
  • I would ask them to stop smoking
  • I would ask them to turn it out, as it is not allowed in that area.
  • I would feel annoyed and would try to make indirect comments or gestures. If that didn't work, I might ask the waiter to tell the smoker to stop
  • I would kindly ask them not to smoke there.
  • I would let them know that it is a non-smoking section, and they should go outside.
  • I would object, and tell a manager if they don't stop.
  • I wouldn't care.
  • I wouldn't mind
  • I'd tell them to put it away
  • If I were with family or friends, I would tell the person to put out the cigarette in a polite fashion
  • Maybe if I start coughing and sneezing, they'll get the point.
  • Point out to him/her that it is the non-smoking section (restaurants still have smoking sections?)
  • that doesn't happen here.
  • ca ne me dérange pas
  • Ca ne me dérange pas étant donné que je suis fumeuse.
  • je change de place
  • je demande au serveur de les déplacer ou de leur faire éteindre
  • Je dis bien fort : "les gens en plus de se tuer la santé ils tuent celle des autres."
  • je l'enchaine
  • je laisse faire
  • je leur demande d'éteindre la cigarette sinon je le fais pour eux!
  • je lui demande aimablement de l'éteindre
  • je lui demande de l'éteindre car cela m'insupporte
  • je lui demande de l'éteindre
  • je lui demande de l'éteindre
  • je lui demanderai gentiment d'aller fumer ailleurs.
  • je lui dit gentiement que la fumée de sa cigarette me gêne
  • je lui rappelle que l'endroit est non fumeur
  • je lui retire
  • je lui signale que c'est un endroit non fumeur
  • je me lève et je l'insulte
  • Je ne dis rien
  • je ne dis rien, ca ne me gêne pas
  • je ne fais rien
  • Monsieur, c'est un espace non fumeur
  • t'as pas un spliff
  • vous en avez une?
  • éteins la stp