Sentences / Phrases

A good president is someone Un bon président est quelqu'un
  • is considerate, compassionate, honest and fair.
  • is honest.
  • that says "no" to corruption
  • understands the needs of his citizens
  • who acts in the best interest of the people
  • who acts rationally.
  • who follows his convictions, listens to his advisors, and is an example for his people.
  • who is fair-minded, who listens to the opinions and ideas of his/her people.
  • who is intelligent, who represents America well in the world, who doesn't give people reason to hate us
  • who is moral and leads by example
  • who is not afraid to use his power to help the less fortunate.
  • who is truthful and leads the country well
  • who isn't an idiot, who isn't a stooge of big business
  • who knows how to compromise, who is competant.
  • who listens to his people
  • who makes a decision about being on Taiwan's side as a country and not with Communist China.
  • who puts the country's interest before his party
  • who represents their country evenly, who provides for those who need help.
  • who takes diplomacy seriously, who cares for the people more than he does for the rich
  • who thinks not about his political career but about the citizens, who is open to other ideas and makes right choices
  • who tries to help those without power
  • who understands the people he represents.
  • who understands the people, who seeks the best advice
  • Who unites the country, that maintains a stable economy, creates good and faithful allies outside of his country
  • courageux, pacifique, intelligent
  • d'efficace
  • d'honnête
  • qui est à l'écoute de la population
  • qui est à l'écoute de ses compatriotes
  • qui fait de bonnes réformes
  • qui gouverne bien son pays
  • qui gère bien
  • qui n'est pas américain
  • qui n'est pas un dictateur
  • qui n'existe pas
  • qui pense
  • qui pense à tout les gens du pays, qui travaille pour l'égalité des choses et qui n'est pas corrompu
  • qui place les intérêts de son pays en avant
  • qui prend les bonnes décisions
  • qui représente la pensée du peuple
  • qui répond aux attentes
  • qui sait prendre des décisions
  • qui sait trahir
  • qui satisfait le maximun de citoyens
  • qui valide des lois qui ont des valeurs, qui sait communiquer.
  • qui écoute
  • qui écoute les citoyens, proche du peuple
  • responsable, pense à un meilleur avenir pour son peuple, forte personalité
  • volontaire