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You have been waiting in line for ten minutes. Someone cuts the line in front of you. Vous faites la queue depuis dix minutes. Quelqu'un passe juste devant vous dans la file d'attente.
  • Confront them and demand they move back.
  • Depending on how big a hurry I am in, I would either do nothing or I would make annoyed noises.
  • Give them a disparaging look.
  • I ask them "what do you think you're doing?" and if they don't have a good reason for cutting in front of me, I tell them to move aside.
  • I ask them to get out of line, and if they don't I make a big scene until they are embarrassed.
  • I ask them to go to the end of the line.
  • I point to them where the end of the line is, and I will expect them to go there.
  • I tell them they are clearly mistaken. are they old, pregnant, or stupid?
  • i will tell them that the line starts there
  • I would ask them what they think they are doing.
  • I would be annoyed, but if I am in no hurry I would let it happen. If I am in a hurry, then I would talk to him and if there is no good explanation, I would ask him to go to the end of the line.
  • I would definitely take him or her out and complain about it
  • I would direct him/her to the end of the line.
  • I would get angry, but I would not do anything.
  • I would look at them ugly, and if that doesn't do anything then I might tell them to move to the back
  • I would say nothing, though I may try to make eye-contact and frown or shake my head.
  • I would tell them that they should go to the end of the line.
  • I would tell them they should not cut
  • I would tell them to get in the back of the line.
  • I'd ask them to move to the back of the line.
  • I'd step up and push them out of line
  • Let it go.
  • Point out to him/her that we are all in a line
  • Ten minutes isn't that long a time. It probably wouldn't bother me much.
  • "La queue c'est derrière!"
  • avez vous une urgence médicale?
  • coup de tête balayette
  • dégage
  • j'accepte pas de me faire dépasser, je lui confirme que c'est mon tour
  • je crois que vous faites erreur
  • je dis : "hého t'es pas chez mémé ici."
  • je l'attrape et le traîne jusqu'a l'arrière de la queue
  • je l'attrape par l'épaule et lui demande de reprendre sa place très rapidement
  • je le ,remet derriere sauf s'il est très gros
  • je le lui fais remarquer et le renvoie au début de la queue
  • je le remets à sa place
  • je lui dirai que j'étais avant.
  • je lui dis de prendre la queue comme tout le monde
  • je lui explique que je suis là depuis 10 min et que la queue est derrière
  • je lui fais remarquer son impolitesse
  • je lui fais une réflexion et lui demande de faire la queue
  • je lui indique le sens de la queue gentiment
  • je le laisse passer
  • je lui propose de refaire la queue
  • je me fâche
  • je me mets ostensiblement devant lui
  • Je ne dis rien
  • Je soupire et ne prends pas la peine de rétorquer
  • laisse faire parce que je le fais