A good boss is someone / Un bon patron est quelqu'un

marie - 11:38am Oct 22, 2004
Un élément qui ressort à plusieurs reprises pour vous les américains concerne l'égalité de traitement des salariés quelque soit son origine, sa religion. Un bon patron est une personne qui est juste. Je pense que c'est lié au "multing pot".

Brian - 09:50pm Oct 24, 2004
What I found most interesting about this phrase was that there were many more responses like "fair pay, pay well" on the French side. I thought for sure they Americans would be pretty concerned with money, especially those at MIT. What happened there?

Lauren - 10:55am Oct 26, 2004
I thought it was interesting that many on the MIT side wanted a job that doesn't take up all their time, or even one that is outdoors. French students seem less afraid of losing themselves in their work. I wonder if this is just an MIT phenomena or if Americans are more likely to identify themselves with their jobs than the French.

Alejandro - 05:13pm Oct 27, 2004
Brian, I think MIT students just KNOW they will have fair pay, or something probably above fair pay, hehe.

Pablo - 10:53am Oct 29, 2004
Je pense qu'un bon patron est quelqu'un qui t'aide à rélèver les défis ou enjeux au moment sans faire ton travail bien entendu. Est celui que te montrer à quoi sert ce que tu fait, qui partage les succès et les défaites, qui est honnête quand les choses ne vont pas. En bref, quelqu'un qui sait communiquer.

ChaLing - 10:22am Nov 4, 2004
I think the American thing about wanting a job "that doesn't take up all their time, or even one that is outdoors" stems from the differences between French and American workweeks. I believe (French people, please correct me if I'm wrong) that the French are expected to work much less than Americans, and also get alot more vacation time. Here in the US, you are often expected to work forty hour weeks or more, with maybe two weeks of vacation a year not counting holidays, and the holiday vacations are pretty meager. In France I don't think they have to worry about getting lost in their work as much as Americans because they have more self-time built into their schedules. I wish we could be more french in that aspect! (I'm the outdoors person..hopefully my job will be testing out boats..)

Ana - 08:33am Apr 1, 2005
I agree with Pablo a good boss must be a leader. In a way he must be your role model not just the person that decides your salary or tells you what to do.