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Guide > Core: The Forums

Working with the forums


By virtue of the fact that French students write their commentaries in their native language, the forums provide you and your students with an authentic source of cultural and linguistic richness.You can choose to focus on:

You will find below a number of ways in which you can have your students work with the forums. Cultural focus:
    You can have your students :

Linguistic focus

The forums also provide a wonderful opportunity to focus on many different linguistic aspects: vocabulary, grammar and discourse.The forums can be used in that way at any point and/or at several points during Cultura.You will just need to select some passages that will lend themselves to the following diverse activities. Students can:

  1. focus on vocabulary development and read the forums for new words and expressions which they can then ask their counterparts to explain if they don’t understand..
  2. study grammar within a communicative context: the use of the relative pronouns or object pronouns; the uses of the different tenses; etc…
  3. focus on comparing the discourse used by the French and the Americans. They can look at:

Tip: it is always a good idea to provide students with specific excerpts to work with.



After your students have worked with the DATA, ask them to post their findings on the corresponding forums (DATA/CHIFFRES ).Ask them to share the statistics they have found and to follow them up with one or two comments . In these comments students should:


Have students send their observations about the differences they see in the films and follow them up with questions. They should post their comments on the corresponding forums. There are Two kinds of forums:

  1. those dealing with the global differences (they include three sub-forums, each dealing with a different theme).
  2. those dealing with the analysis of specific scenes (they include five sub-forums corresponding to the five different scenes to be analyzed).
  3. Make sure they:


Have students send their observations about the differences (if any) they have seen while comparing specific French and American newspapers or magazines.These observations can be as broad or as specific as they want. Encourage students, however, to give specific reference: the names of the newspapers, the dates, the exact title of the articles an (if relevant), etc…Make also sure students continue


Have students tell their counterparts about the passages they have read and which they have found particularly illuminating. Tell them to:

If these passages raise new issues and/or contradictions, encourage the students to ask their counterparts for their opinion or an explanation. 


It is up to you whether you have your students interact on the forums on the basis of the Archives. It may feel to them as overkill to some extent, since they are not likely to find great differences between their own answers to the questionnaires and own observations and those to be found in the Archives.However, these Archives are extremely useful if you use the Cultura Project without a live partner. In the latter case, they will play a very more central role.