
Message from: robin
About: banlieue-suburbs

Wed, 4 Mar 98 19:12:03 EST

  • Next message: Kelly H: "Civil Servant"

    To answer the questions posed in the letter "banlieue-suburbs"
    from lannic
    I haven't seen very many large cities, but the ones I know
    have commercial zones, where there are many office buildings,
    stores, and other businesses, residential zones which are
    sometimes nice places to live and sometimes not, and a downtown
    area where people meet and there is a lot of activity.

    Many people live in the suburbs and commute to work in
    businesses in the city, so the suburbs are often made up of
    middle-class neighboorhoods. Several decades ago, real-estate
    developers started buying land around cities and creating
    "communities" with aesthetically-pleasing names and streets
    full of nearly identical houses. Living in these suburbs
    became a part of the American Dream for many people, but there
    was (and is) a negative side. One of the American responses
    to this survey was "cookie-cutter," meaning the conformity
    that the American middle-class and the suburbs came to

    The American equivalent of the French "banlieue" would
    most likely be the "inner city." In big cities, there is
    often a part of the city where the houses and apartments are
    low-quality and the people who live there are usually not
    well-off; crime and drug use in these areas is often named
    as a national problem.
