
Message from: Nadia
About: réponse à Nadia sur le sujet 'les hommes sont portés sur la chose'

Thu, 19 Mar 1998 00:36:04 -0500

In America, it is considered irresponsible to act only on
your emotions. I was surprised to learn that French people
tend to date freely, sometimes several people at once.
People do that in America, but it is generally considered
to be "cheating." Many American women don't put up with it.

Don't you think it's sometimes selfish of the French to
behave in relationships based only on the way they feel?
What about the way the other person feels? It sounds to
me that Americans are more considerate when it comes to
dating. We may not be as passionate, as you say, but we
care more about the other person's feelings. I think that
is what makes a relationship more passionate, to earn the
other person's trust and respect.