


Phrases à compléter


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Une soirée "réussie" avec des amis est une soirée où... - A "successful" evening with friends is an evening...


l on s est amuse

on s'amuse ( et on boit )

l' on s'est fait de nouveaux ami(e)s

l'on s'est bien amuse

l'ambiance est chaude

l'on s'amuse entre ami(e)s

je m'amuse

la majorite des invites en sort enchantee

on s'est bien amuse

on s'amuse, on fait des rencontres interessantes

on se sent bien dans sa peau

personne ne pense a autre chose

tout le monde s'amuse bien

tout le monde s'amuse

on a bien rit, ou tout le monde s'est amuse

with French wine

good music, active people

which is full of energy and energetic people.

that has fun people and music

that is loud, smaller, friendly & fun-filled.

that is packed

with my friends

that is fun

in which you don't have to try to have fun.

with good music, intelligent people, and no booze!

with cute, out-going girls and great music.

where people have ffun, like New Year's eve party

where there is good music, good food and fun folk.

where you have fun.

that jams

where you find your friends, has alcohol

where everyone is having fun.

that is best left to the immagination

that you don't want to leave even if you're tired

you can't remember.