
Message from: Edward L

About: we must not be so different

Thu, 5 Mar 98 04:15:56 EST

I've also been noticing that, in general, the responses
to the surveys seem to be almost identical (or at least
as close to identical as I would imagine two groups of
American students responses would be, or 2 groups of
French students). Often, half or more of the responses
look like literal translations of responses from the
other group. However, although most of the categories
seem to evoke almost identical responses, it is by no
means true that none do. For example, suburbs vs.
banlieu was very different. In this survey, I saw some
systematic differences, too. For example, in the
survey on what you'd do if you neighbor doesn't say
hello, much more of the French students said they would
say hi to the neighbor. This seems somewhat consistant
with my stereotypes of French and Americans.. I don't
usually think of Americans as knowing their neighbors
very well (although that may be partially because I
don't know any of my neighbors); but I think of French
people as knowing them better, and interacting with them
more often.