
Message from: Sirena
About: cultural similarities/differences

Fri, 6 Mar 98 08:31:34 EST

It seems to me there is a stereotypical French culture, and
though U.S.ans are perhaps known for abbreviations and other
forms of laziness (like this run-on sentence), it seems there
are an infinite amount of cultures in the U.S.A.. Individuality
is also popular throughout the U.S., except sometimes in
conservative areas. "You pierced your eyebrow--yuck!!!!!" or
"You pierced your eyebrow--cool!" The U.S. culture can not be written
down because the many contradictions make it absolutely impossible.
I noticed in the survey results two main opposite views to many
questions on the U.S. side alone. This happened with some on the
French side as well, but I think more so here in the U.S..
Although it could be that MIT selects a diverse group of students,
as well as all the mad scientists ;~>