


Réactions à des situations


Reactions to Situations


Un(e) de vos invité(e)s va se servir dans le frigo sans vous demander la permission. - A guest in your house opens the fridge and helps himself/herself.


Je trouve cela mal poli, sauf si c'est un bon ami.

il m arrive d en faire autant alors je ne dis rien

je lui fait remarquer son impolitesse

Je lui demande s'il manque quelque chose

Je le lui fait remarquer gentiment

Je le lui fais remarquer

Je le note et lui fais remarquer distraitement

Je ne l'inviterai plus

"Le repas que je vous avais prepare n'etait pas assez copieux ?"

je prends note de ce fait

Je le (la) lui fait remarquer

ca ne me deerange pas si c'est un(e) ami(e)

Je lui indique que la bienseance reprime ce genre d'actions

Je lui indique que la bienseance reprime ce genre d'actions

Je ne dis rien, mais je retiens (sauf si c'est un ami)

Si c'est quelqu'un que je connais tres bien, je ne trouve pas ca choquant

Si c'est quelqu'un que je connais tres bien, je ne trouve pas ca choquant

je lui lance une plaisanterie ironique

Je lui dis que je peux l'aider. C'est tellement plus simple de demander .

De toute facon je lui aurais donnee cette permission donc: 0 probleme

what the ....!

I probabaly won't say anything, but I believe that to be very rude.

Depends on how well I know the guest.

I feel disconcerted, but I don't say anything.

I probably would have told him to anyway.

That was pretty rude, you didn't even ask.

I would watch and maybe ask if I could help them find something.

Interesting person!

I always offer my guests anything that I have on hand anyway.

I am annoyed, I don't invite him/her again

Unless I told this person to help himself, I would think he is rude.

I tell them it would be nice if they asked first.



I say "help yourself."

Can you please grab me some too?

I would think, why didn't his parents teach him better manners.

I don't feel comfortable to say anyth. but that doesn't happen in my house

I don't feel comfortable to say anyth. but that doesn't happen in my house

He/she is part of the family now.

If you can afford to be generous, do it. Dont have them back if theyre rude

You allow them to do so.

I hope they find something good.

if i like them...it's cool..if i don't, it's not.

He should learn some manners.

ask what (s)he is looking for

Depending on who I get annoyed or I am glad they know where the fridge is

It's ok if I know him/her well