


Réactions à des situations


Reactions to Situations


Votre voisin ne vous salue pas quand vous le rencontrez dans la rue. - Your neighbor does not say hello when you meet him/her on the street.


Je fais de meme.

c est qu on est pas copain alors tant pis

je lui dis bonjour quand meme!

Je le meprise, et ne lui adresse plus la parole

Je m'etonne et je le salue

je le salue ostensiblement

Je m'en fous, il est con.

Il ne m'a pas reconnu

Je le salue, en me disant qu'il a peut-etre d'autres soucis en tete.

ca ne me gene pas

Je ne le salut pas

tant pis pour lui.

Je lui dis fortement bonjour afin de lui procurer une gene.

Je lui dis fortement bonjour afin de lui procurer une gene.

Si il ne peut pas ne pas m'avoir vu, je suis vexe.(Salue prend un "e")

Je le salut tout de meme

Je le salue tout de meme

je l'imite

Il est dans la lune.

Je le salue comme ca il sera obliger de faire pareil


What a snob? Or I wonder whether something is wrong.

I wouldn't make a big deal out of it.

I think that maybe they're upset or distracted.

I say hello.

I never liked them anyways.

I still would likely smile at them.

Maybe she/he didn't see me when I passed by.

I would figure they were busy thinking about something else, as I often am.

I ignore them from then on until they recongnize me

Perhaps she did not recognize me. It's no big deal.

He must be a shy neighbor.

Then they must be a nonentity to me as well.

wonder what is wrong

I ignore them.

I'll call this ecening and find out what's going on.

Maybe he's in a hurry, or didn't see me.

I don't know my neighbors

I don't know my neighbors

He/she is not a good friend.

Say hi to him.

You say hello anyway.

I don't notice.


He/she is not friendly.

ignore her/him until one of us moves or dies or until (s)he is nice

I assume that they are not very freindly or they don't like me

I say hello to him