Well-behaved child / Enfant bien élevé

Someone from a Good Family
Posted by Susanna on February 24, 2004
I want to point out the statistics that 'well-behaved' and 'with moral values' appeared more frequently than any other words in the answers given by students in France. However, in the answers given by students in the States, I find a slightly stronger focus on one's background. Words like non-poor, rich, whose family is well-known within a community, etc., probably reflect some truth in how the Americans see a person as one that comes from a good family. Moreover, it is also interesting to note that such a person in US is expected to be caring and loving, whereas in France, one is expected to be well-behaved.

Please visit an other subject
Posted by Cyril on February 26, 2004
Dear Susanna, nous avons regroupé ce thème avec le sujet : "Good family/Bonne famille". Tu trouveras là une discussion entre Katherine et moi... Joins-toi à nous si tu veux, cela me fera plaisir.