- Elle l'éduque avec amour
- c'est son droit
- Je lance un regard de surprise à la
- je ne suis qu'un peu révoltée.
- Je serais dérangé, mais je
ne dirais rien.
- Il l'avait bien mérité
- peut-être a-t-il fait une bêtise
- je les ignorerais aussi
- Je lui dirais qu' il est mauvais de gifler
les enfants.
- elle a ses raisons
- le pauvre
- je poursuis mon chemin
- cela ne va pas le traumatiser
- Je ne fais rien.
- Je n'y fais pas attention.
- j'applaudis
- S'il fait la comédie pour avoir quelque
chose, c'est normal.
- c'est terrible à dire, mais je crois
que je ne m'en mellerai pas
- OK
- Bien fait !
- J'espère ne pas devenir comme cela
- Ca dépend de ce qu'il faisait
- Je ne dis rien, ce ne sont pas mes affaires
- I would cringe and make painful noises.
- I would pity the child and think badly of
the mom.
- I stare at her for a while.
- Uncivilised savage!
- I would glare at her, but I wouldn't interfere.
- Discipline is good.
- I wonder what the child did to deserve that.
- I think she is reacting a little too harshly.
- I slap her. No, I'm not kidding.
- I would wonder what the child did to diserve
- i get angry and consider saying something
to her.
- I wonder how someone could resort to hitting.
- i get angry and consider saying something
to her.
- If she hurts the child badly, I would intervene
- The child did something wrong.
- I will be shocked and surprised
- mean lady.
- Not my business.
- I'd think that she wasn't being a good mother,
and I'd want to slap her.
- I feel sorry for the child because even if
he misbehaved he was humiliated
- I make it obvious to her that I find her
behavior absolutely repulsive.
- I'd be a bit shocked, but not very alarmed.
- I wonder if I should call the cops.
- I don't like slaps in the face, a smack on
the bottom is enough
- I would think nothing of it, unless she harmed
the child seriously.
- Is that deserved? And should you discipline
in that manner and in a public
- anger--if situation gets bad, call manager