19 Feb 1995 XEvil(6) NAME XEvil - a fast-action explicitly violent game for X SYNOPSIS xevil [-display _d_i_s_p_l_a_y__n_a_m_e | -d _d_i_s_p_l_a_y__n_a_m_e ] [-display _d_i_s_p_l_a_y__n_a_m_e | -d _d_i_s_p_l_a_y__n_a_m_e ] [-duel] [-extended] [-h | -help] [- humans _n_u_m_b_e_r ] [-info] [-kill] [-keys alpha | decmips | iris | mac | ncd | rsaix | sun3 | sun4 | sun4_sparc | tektronix] [-levels] [-machines _n_u_m_b_e_r ] [-map] [-pc] [-regenerate_machines] [-rooms _A_C_R_O_S_S_x_D_O_W_N ] [- speed _t_i_m_e-_i_n-_m_s ] [-training] DESCRIPTION Death, kill, maim. XEvil is a side-view, fast-action, kill everything type of game. Play is against other human or computer players. XEvil may be played on one or multiple X displays. Controls are keyboard or mouse. However, if you play with the mouse you'll get your ass kicked. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS XEvil accepts the following options: -display _d_i_s_p_l_a_y__n_a_m_e | -d _d_i_s_p_l_a_y__n_a_m_e Set all X displays to be _d_i_s_p_l_a_y__n_a_m_e. See X(1) for details on X displays. -display _d_i_s_p_l_a_y__n_a_m_e | -d _d_i_s_p_l_a_y__n_a_m_e Sets the display for player x to be _d_i_s_p_l_a_y__n_a_m_e. 0 <= x < 6. This option may be used multiple times to specify the displays for all players. E.g. "xevil -d0 joe.mit.edu:0 -d1 bob.mit.edu:0 -d2 fred.mit.edu:0" Any unspecified displays default to the display of the local machine. -duel Set the game style to a human vs. human duel. -extended Set the game style to a human vs. human extended duel. -h | -help Print usage summary. -humans _n_u_m_b_e_r Set the number of human players. Default is 1. -info Print information about the absence of warranty for XEvil. -kill Set the game style to "Kill,Kill,Kill". -keys _k_e_y_s_e_t Specify the mapping between the keyboard and the controls for players. Default is decmips. The possible values for _k_e_y_s_e_t are: alpha, decmips, iris, mac, ncd, rsaix, sun3, sun4, sun4_sparc, 1 XEvil(6) 19 Feb 1995 tektronix. NOTE: You can also use X Resources and the "Set Con- trols" button to specify the keyboard controls. -levels Set the game style to "Levels". -machines _n_u_m_b_e_r Set the number of machines players. Default is 3. -map Give a rough map of the world at the beginning of each game. -pc Run XEvil in politically correct mode. Disables some of the more "offensive" aspects of XEvil. Useful for showing XEvil to lame-ass wussies who are easily offended. -regenerate_machines New machine players are created while the game is running. -rooms _A_C_R_O_S_S_x_D_O_W_N Specify the size of the XEvil world in number of rooms. Default is 4x2. -speed _t_i_m_e-_i_n-_m_s The number of milliseconds between each turn of the game. Default is 40. -training Play XEvil with the game style set to "Training". KEYBOARD CONTROLS Each player has 15 control keys. There is a separate set of controls for the left and right sides of the keyboard. THE POINTER MUST BE IN ONE OF THE PLAYING FIELDS FOR THE KEYBOARD CON- TROLS TO WORK. _9 _k_e_y_s _f_o_r _m_o_v_e_m_e_n_t: right (move right), left (move left), up (jump up/climb up), down (duck/climb down), up_right (jump right), up_left (jump left), down_right (crawl right), down_left (crawl left), center (stop). Tap the key to move in the specified direction. Holding down a key is not as effective as tapping it rapidly. _3 _k_e_y_s _f_o_r _w_e_a_p_o_n_s: weapon_use (fire/hand-to-hand attack), weapon_change, weapon_drop. Hold down weapon_use and press a movement key to fire a weapon in a direction or to perform a hand-to-hand attack if weapon is "none". _3 _k_e_y_s _f_o_r _i_t_e_m_s: item_use, item_change, item_drop. 2 19 Feb 1995 XEvil(6) The actual mapping of these functions to the keyboard can be speci- fied with the -keys command line option, with X resources, or with the "Set Controls" button. If the -keys option is used to specify a specific machine, the default controls for that machine's keyboard are used. The -keys option overrides any keys set through X resources. Keys set through the "Set Controls" button override both the X resources and the -keys command line option. (See X RESOURCES below.) MOUSE CONTROLS Click mouse button 1 on the middle of the playing field to stop your character. Click near the top of the playing field to jump up, near the right edge to go right, etc. Middle button fires weapons or does a hand-to-hand attack. Right button uses items. Click left or middle button on the panel displaying your current weapon to change weapons. Click right mouse button on that panel to drop the current weapon. Similar for changing and dropping items. GAME STYLES There are five different styles of play in XEvil, "Levels", "Kill,Kill,Kill", "Duel", "Extended Duel", and "Training". In "Levels", one or more human players work cooperatively to fight through increasing levels of difficulty. After killing all the machine players on one level, you advance to the next. In "Kill,Kill,Kill", it is every man/woman/machine for him/her/itself. Whatever survives is the victor. Use "Duel" or "Extended Duel" for battles among human players. In "Duel", each human gets 3 lives and the game is over when only one remains. An "Extended Duel" game never ends, you just keep track who has the most kills. The "Training" game style exists to give novice players a chance to learn the controls. MULTIPLE DISPLAYS XEvil can be played across the net by opening multiple X displays. One player runs XEvil on his machine and remotely opens windows on the machines of the other players. Up to two players can share a single display. One player uses the right side of the keyboard, while the other uses the left. The assignment of players to displays is specified at startup time with command line arguments. Use the -display option to specifiy the display for player x. Remember to use xhost(1X) on all remote machines to allow access to the machine running XEvil. And, remember to add ":0" (or whatever screen number is appropriate) to the machine name for the -display option. Example: Running a game of XEvil for users on the machines bob.mit.edu, joe.mit.edu, and dave.mit.edu. On joe.mit.edu: xhost + bob.mit.edu On dave.mit.edu: xhost + bob.mit.edu On bob.mit.edu: xevil -display1 joe.mit.edu:0 -display2 dave.mit.edu:0 SCREEN LAYOUT The XEvil window is divided into four parts. At the top of the window is a menu with buttons for a variety of options. Under this is the playing field where all the action takes place. To the right are a number of status fields which give information about your character and the game in general while the game is running. At the bottom is a 3 XEvil(6) 19 Feb 1995 message bar which gives miscellaneous information. MENU BAR BUTTONS Most of the following options will not take effect until you start a new game. New Game Start a new game. Abort the current game if one is in progress. Humans Set the number of humans playing in the next game. There will be a separate window for each human player. If you set the number of humans to 0 you can scroll around with player 0's movement keys and watch the machine players kill each other. If the game style is "Training", this value is ignored. Machines Set the number of machines players for the next game. Only meanin- ful if the game style is "Kill,Kill,Kill", "Duel", or "Extended Duel". Regenerate Machines New machine players are created while the game is running. You gen- erally cannot win if this option is set. Try to see how many kills you can make before you die. The total number of machine players will never exceed that specified by the Machines option. Only mean- ingful if the game style is "Kill,Kill,Kill", "Duel", or "Extended Duel". Set Controls While XEvil is running, you can specify the keyboard controls by clicking "Set Controls". A window will appear and you will be prompted for the key for each action. You must press the desired key with the cursor in the "Set Controls" window. Note that these changes take place immediately. So, if you just want to set the controls for player 0, you can do so without bothering to set the controls for player 1. Controls set here are not saved. If you want to set controls to work over multiple sessions of XEvil, set them with X resources. (See KEYBOARD CONTROLS and X RESOURCES.) Show Controls Toggle to display a window showing all the current keyboard con- trols. (See KEYBOARD CONTROLS and X RESOURCES.) Game style Set the style of play for the next game. See GAME STYLES above. Speed The number of milliseconds between each turn of the game. I.e. smaller values make the game go faster. 0 will make XEvil run as fast as possible on the underlying hardware. 4 19 Feb 1995 XEvil(6) STATUS FIELDS Name The name of your character's intelligence. This stays constant over the course of a game even when you are soul-swapped or brought back from the dead. Class The class of your character's physical body. E.g. ninja, hero, enforcer. This may change if your intelligence is put in a dif- ferent body. Health When your health goes negative, you are dead. Mass Lighter objects get pushed around more. Weapon Displays your current weapon. Hit weapon_use or weapon_drop to use or drop it, respectively. You can hold more than one weapon, but only the current one will be shown. Use weapon_change to cycle through all your weapons. The lettering will be green if the weapon is ready to be used or red if the weapon is recharging. If your character is able to perform hand-to-hand combat, set Weapon to "none" to fight hand-to-hand. Item Displays your current item. Press item_use or item_drop to use or drop it, respectively. Press item_change to cycle through all your items. Extra lives / Humans killed Extra lives: If you have a positive number of extra lives, when you die you will come back from the dead in a new body. Humans killed: For the "Extended Duel" game style, the number of humans you have killed (minus the number of times you have killed yourself). Kills / Machines killed Kills: The number of your enemies that you have sent to the grave since the beginning of the game. I.e. your score. Machines killed: For the "Extended Duel" game style, the number of machine players killed. Humans remaining The number of human players currently alive. Machines remaining The number of machine players currently alive. When the game style is "Levels", this tells you how many more machines you must kill before you advance to the next level. 5 XEvil(6) 19 Feb 1995 OBJECTS IN XEVIL This is not an exhaustive list of the objects in XEvil. Figure the rest out yourself. _C_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r _C_l_a_s_s_e_s hero Generic pumped-up hero type character. Walks, jumps, and climbs ladders. Can fight effectively with his fists. Uses weapons and items. Has lots of health and healing powers. ninja An oriental assasin of the night. Can climb on walls and ceil- ings. Expert martial artist. Not completely a traditional Japanese warrior as he/she believes it's is ok to use modern weapons and items such as machine-guns and bombs. chopper-boy Some freaked out kid with a helicopter backpack. Can fly and walk on the ground. Uses weapons and items, but has no hand- to-hand attack. _W_e_a_p_o_n_s pistol Single shot weapon. Wimpy, but better than nothing. machine-gun A rapid fire gun. Probably the best all-around weapon. lancer The lancer is a sniper rifle. It fires lances which travel fas- ter and do more damage than any other shot in the game. How- ever, it takes a significant amount of time to recharge between shots. flame-thrower Burn, baby, burn. soul-swapper If you nail someone with a soul-swapper, your souls will swap. You will end up controlling his/her/its physical body and he/she/it will end up controlling yours. This will not affect your number of kills or number of extra lives. Needless to say, be careful with this weapon. _I_t_e_m_s med-kit When you use this item, you will return to full health. Can only be used once. Note that you must explicitly use a med-kit, just picking it up will not heal you. bomb 6 19 Feb 1995 XEvil(6) A rather dangerous toy. If you shoot it or attack a bomb, it will explode. If your current item is bomb and you hit item_use, the bomb will be set with a fuse of approximately five seconds. It is strongly suggested that you drop the bomb and run away before this time has elapsed. t-shield, n-shield Personal body shields. I leave it up to you to figure out the difference between a t-shield and an n-shield. Hint: Think about their names. X RESOURCES Keyboard controls for both the left and right sides of the keyboard can be specified by adding the appropriate lines to your .Xdefaults or .Xresources file in your home directory. See the man pages on X(1) and xrdb(1) for more information on X resources. There is a separate set of controls for the right and left sides of the keyboard. Player 0 uses the right and player 1 uses the left side. For each function, up to two actual keys can be mapped to it. E.g. for a decmips keyboard, pressing either 'm' or ',' will give the command to move down left. The possible keysyms to map to each function are those listed in /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h with the XK_ prefix stripped off. Examples: XEvil.right_weapon_use The keysym to use a weapon for the controls on the right side of the keyboard. XEvil.right_left The keysym for the move left command for the controls on the right side of the keyboard. XEvil.right_left_2 The second keysym for the move left command for the controls on the right side of the keyboard. An example resource file is given below. Further examples are in the app-defaults directory in the XEvil distribution. ! Example resources for a sun4 SPARC station 1. XEvil.right_center: F31 XEvil.right_right: Right XEvil.right_down_right: F35 XEvil.right_down: Down XEvil.right_down_left: F33 XEvil.right_left: Left XEvil.right_up_left: F27 XEvil.right_up: Up XEvil.right_up_right: F29 XEvil.right_weapon_use: F21 XEvil.right_weapon_change: F22 XEvil.right_weapon_drop: F23 7 XEvil(6) 19 Feb 1995 XEvil.right_item_use: F24 XEvil.right_item_change: F25 XEvil.right_item_drop: F26 XEvil.left_center: l XEvil.left_right: semicolon XEvil.left_down_right: slash XEvil.left_down: period XEvil.left_down_left: m XEvil.left_down_left_2: comma XEvil.left_left: k XEvil.left_up_left: i XEvil.left_up: o XEvil.left_up_right: p XEvil.left_up_right_2: bracketleft XEvil.left_weapon_use: a XEvil.left_weapon_change: s XEvil.left_weapon_drop: d XEvil.left_item_use: z XEvil.left_item_change: x XEvil.left_item_drop: c VERSION This man page is valid for XEvil version 1.4. UNRESTRICTIONS This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABIL- ITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. COPYRIGHT Copyright 1994,1995 Steve Hardt AUTHOR Steve Hardt hardts@theory.lcs.mit.edu hardts@athena.mit.edu hardts@media.mit.edu hardts@blake.3dem.bioch.bcm.tmc.edu 8 99