
This is a very basic and crude first attempt at getting some real user docs written for gschem. This document is hardly finished or polished but it is better than having no docs at all (which was the case for the longest time). Please forgive the tone of this document; I (Ales) am writing this just to get something done. I am by no means a technical writer so I am sure some of my sentences are truly awful. As everybody says, programmers should not write documentation for their programs and this document is a perfect illustration of a programmer breaking that rule. Please report any errors/inconsistencies to

This document assumes you understand basic schematic capture concepts. For example that a component represents something and that nets and buses interconnect these components to form a schematic etc... Eventually this document will describe all this in more detail, but for now this document is will describe how schematic capture is accomplished in the gEDA system.

Ales Hvezda 2006-01-23