Running gschem

Running gschem is straightforward once you have installed it on your GNU/Linux or UNIX system.

The first step is to build and install the gEDA tools. This step is not covered in this document. You can tell if you have installed the tools correctly by running the following commands:

        which gschem
        ldd `which gschem`
The first command should return the path to the gschem binary and the second command (only on unix-like operating systems which include the ldd utility for listing dynamic dependencies of executibles or shared objects) will return which libraries are linked to gschem; all of the request libraries must be found for gschem to run. If these commands do not return the expected results, then most likely the gEDA tools are not installed properly. Please see the appropriate INSTALL docs (which came with the distribution) for more info on installing the gEDA tools.

To run gschem execute ``gschem'' at any shell prompt (without the quote marks). This will start the gschem program with a blank schematic. To look at an example schematic which came with gschem run ``gschem schematic_name.sch'' For a listing of the various command line flags run ``gschem -h''. For a detailed explanation of the command line flags look at the gschem man page (``man gschem'').

Ales Hvezda 2006-01-23