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Petra et Manus

Upcoming field trips! email brownsm

Local Geology Rocks in a Day, March 7th 2009

Email Jen Hamon (jhamon)

Details will be coming soon! In a nutshell, we will have an awesome day trip looking at local features.

Let's go West in MA! Most likely in April

Email Sarah Gelman (sgelman)

After Field Camp this year, Sarah decided that we need to see more rocks! We are planning on an overnight trip to solve this problem.

Acadia, here we come! May, as soon as it gets warm enough.

Email Jenn Hamon (jhamon) and Sean Wahl (swahl)

As the snow melts, we want to see what Maine has to offer.

We regularly meet once a week:

5:30 pm Wednesday Seminar 54-917

We regularly meet once a month for:

8:00 pm Bad Geology Movie Sunday 54-917

Mailing lists, email brownsm if you want to join the list



President: Stephanie Brown (brownsm)
Vice President: Jennifer Hamon (jhamon)
Treasurer: Roxana Safipour (safipour)
Secretary: Sarah Gelman (sgelman)


last updated Wednesday, Feburary 4 2009