
GtkCList - A multi-columned scrolling list widget.
GtkCTree - a widget displaying a hierarchical tree.
GtkCombo - a text entry field with a dropdown list.
GtkItemFactory - A factory for menus
GtkList - Widget for packing a list of selectable items.
GtkListItem - an item in a GtkList.
GtkOldEditable - Base class for text-editing widgets
GtkOptionMenu - a widget used to choose from a list of valid choices.
GtkPixmap - a widget displaying a graphical image or icon.
GtkPreview - widget to display RGB or grayscale data.
GtkProgress - the base class for GtkProgressBar.
GtkText - a text widget.
GtkTipsQuery - displays help about widgets in the user interface.
GtkTree - a tree widget.
GtkTreeItem - The widget used for items in a GtkTree.