FEGI was meant to investigate Field Emitter Array (FEA) technology for spacecraft charge mitigation applications. The primary deliverable of FEGI was a Get-Away-Special (GAS) payload to demonstrate and characterize FEA devices in-situ. The payload was to be flown on the NASA Space Shuttle prior to the termination of the GAS program.
I was involved with the FEGI program from 2003 to 2004. I was on the Power & Electronics team and led development of high voltage power supply and monitoring circuits as well as other spacecraft housekeeping functions. My involvment merited an awards for 2003 Most Valuable Engineer.
The unfortunate destruction of the Columbia orbiter led to the end of the Getaway Special program. Because of this, mission G-187 was never flown although the hardware was completed after I left the project. More information on the Getaway Special program is available on wikipedia.
FEGI website at the University of Michigan