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All rational arithmetic functions canonicalize the result, so that the denominator and the numerator have no common factors. Zero has the unique representation 0/1.
The set of functions is quite small. Maybe it will be extended in a future release.
Function: void mpq_init (MP_RAT *dest_rational)
Initialize dest_rational with limb space and set the initial
numeric value to 0/1. Each variable should normally only be initialized
once, or at least cleared out (using the function mpq_clear
between each initialization.
Function: void mpq_clear (MP_RAT *rational_number)
Free the limb space occupied by rational_number. Make sure to
call this function for all MP_RAT
variables when you are done
with them.
Function: void mpq_set (MP_RAT *dest_rational, MP_RAT *src_rational)
Assign dest_rational from src_rational.
Function: void mpq_set_ui (MP_RAT *rational_number, unsigned long int numerator, unsigned long int denominator)
Set the value of rational_number to numerator/denominator. If numerator and denominator have common factors, they are divided out before rational_number is assigned.
Function: void mpq_set_si (MP_RAT *rational_number, signed long int numerator, unsigned long int denominator)
Like mpq_set_ui
, but numerator is signed.
Function: void mpq_add (MP_RAT *sum, MP_RAT *addend1, MP_RAT *addend2)
Set sum to addend1 + addend2.
Function: void mpq_sub (MP_RAT *difference, MP_RAT *minuend, MP_RAT *subtrahend)
Set difference to minuend - subtrahend.
Function: void mpq_mul (MP_RAT *product, MP_RAT *multiplicator, MP_RAT *multiplicand)
Set product to multiplicator * multiplicand
Function: void mpq_div (MP_RAT *quotient, MP_RAT *dividend, MP_RAT *divisor)
Set quotient to dividend / divisor.
Function: void mpq_neg (MP_RAT *negated_operand, MP_RAT *operand)
Set negated_operand to -operand.
Function: int mpq_cmp (MP_RAT *operand1, MP_RAT *operand2)
Compare operand1 and operand2. Return a positive value if operand1 > operand2, zero if operand1 = operand2, and a negative value if operand1 < operand2.
Function: void mpq_inv (MP_RAT *inverted_number, MP_RAT *number)
Invert number by swapping the numerator and denominator. If the new denominator becomes zero, this routine will divide by zero.
Function: void mpq_set_num (MP_RAT *rational_number, MP_INT *numerator)
Make numerator become the numerator of rational_number by copying.
Function: void mpq_set_den (MP_RAT *rational_number, MP_INT *denominator)
Make denominator become the denominator of rational_number by copying. If denominator < 0 the denominator of rational_number is set to the absolute value of denominator, and the sign of the numerator of rational_number is changed.
Function: void mpq_get_num (MP_INT *numerator, MP_RAT *rational_number)
Copy the numerator of rational_number to the integer numerator, to prepare for integer operations on the numerator.
Function: void mpq_get_den (MP_INT *denominator, MP_RAT *rational_number)
Copy the denominator of rational_number to the integer denominator, to prepare for integer operations on the denominator.
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