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Berkeley MP Compatible Functions

These functions are intended to be fully compatible with the Berkeley MP library which is available on many BSD derived U*ix systems.

The original Berkeley MP library has a usage restriction: you cannot use the same variable as both source and destination in a single function call. The compatible functions in GNU MP do not share this restriction--inputs and outputs may overlap.

It is not recommended that new programs are written using these functions. Apart from the incomplete set of functions, the interface for initializing MINT objects is more error prone, and the pow function collides with pow in `libm.a'.

Include the header `mp.h' to get the definition of the necessary types and functions. If you are on a BSD derived system, make sure to include GNU `mp.h' if you are going to link the GNU `libmp.a' to you program. This means that you probably need to give the -I<dir> option to the compiler, where <dir> is the directory where you have GNU `mp.h'.

Function: MINT * itom (signed short int initial_value)

Allocate an integer consisting of a MINT object and dynamic limb space. Initialize the integer to initial_value. Return a pointer to the MINT object.

Function: MINT * xtom (char *initial_value)

Allocate an integer consisting of a MINT object and dynamic limb space. Initialize the integer from initial_value, a hexadecimal, '\0'-terminate C string. Return a pointer to the MINT object.

Function: void move (MINT *src, MINT *dest)

Set dest to src by copying. Both variables must be previously initialized.

Function: void madd (MINT *src_1, MINT *src_2, MINT *destination)

Add src_1 and src_2 and put the sum in destination.

Function: void msub (MINT *src_1, MINT *src_2, MINT *destination)

Subtract src_2 from src_1 and put the difference in destination.

Function: void mult (MINT *src_1, MINT *src_2, MINT *destination)

Multiply src_1 and src_2 and put the product in destination.

Function: void mdiv (MINT *dividend, MINT *divisor, MINT *quotient, MINT *remainder)

Function: void sdiv (MINT *dividend, signed short int divisor, MINT *quotient, signed short int *remainder)

Set quotient to dividend / divisor, and remainder to dividend mod divisor. The quotient is rounded towards zero; the remainder has the same sign as the dividend.

Some implementations of this function return a remainder whose sign is inverted if the divisor is negative. Such a definition makes little sense from a mathematical point of view. GNU MP might be considered incompatible with the traditional MP in this respect.

Function: void msqrt (MINT *operand, MINT *root, MINT *remainder)

Set root to the square root of operand, as with mpz_sqrt. Set remainder to (i.e. zero if operand is a perfect square).

Function: void pow (MINT *base, MINT *exp, MINT *mod, MINT *dest)

Set dest to (base raised to exp) modulo mod.

Function: void rpow (MINT *base, signed short int exp, MINT *dest)

Set dest to base raised to exp.

Function: void gcd (MINT *operand1, MINT *operand2, MINT *res)

Set res to the greatest common divisor of operand1 and operand2.

Function: int mcmp (MINT *operand1, MINT *operand2)

Compare operand1 and operand2. Return a positive value if operand1 > operand2, zero if operand1 = operand2, and a negative value if operand1 < operand2.

Function: void min (MINT *dest)

Input a decimal string from stdin, and put the read integer in dest. SPC and TAB are allowed in the number string, and are ignored.

Function: void mout (MINT *src)

Output src to stdout, as a decimal string. Also output a newline.

Function: char * mtox (MINT *operand)

Convert operand to a hexadecimal string, and return a pointer to the string. The returned string is allocated using the default memory allocation function, malloc by default. (See section Initialization, for an explanation of the memory allocation in MP).

Function: void mfree (MINT *operand)

De-allocate, the space used by operand. This function should only be passed a value returned by itom or xtom.

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