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If you have an idea about any customization that would be handy but isn't present in this list, please tell me! See section Reporting bugs and ideas for info on how to reach me.

If set to anything else than `nil' the edit buffer will be erased before you write the log message (see section Committing changes).

The copyright message that is displayed on startup can be annoying after a while. Set this variable to `t' if you want to get rid of it. (But don't set this to `t' in the system defaults file - new users should see this message at least once).

A list of strings to pass as arguments to the `cvs diff' program. This is used by `cvs-diff-cvs' (key d, see section Viewing differences). If you prefer the Unidiff format you could add this line to your `.emacs' file:

(setq cvs-cvs-diff-flags '("-u"))

Like `cvs-cvs-diff-flags', but passed to `diff'. This is used by `cvs-diff-backup' (key b, see section Viewing differences).

List of strings to send to `cvs log'. Used by `cvs-log' (key l, see section Getting info about files).

List of strings to send to `cvs status'. Used by `cvs-status' (key s, see section Getting info about files).

If this variable is set to any non-`nil' value `cvs-remove-handled' will be called every time you check in files, after the check-in is ready. See section Removing handled entries.

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